Rural Fylde Conservatives

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Arts on Display


Just a quick post. My role at the council as Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism is to be responsible for the art collection. Fylde has a great art collection valued at over £4.5m and has one of the finest collection of Ansdell's in the country. I was aware and concerned that we don't show these works often enough.

I asked Officers at the council to hold an open evening where the works will be displayed. Councillor Fabian Wilson has assisted by writing a program. Although there is an invited audience, there will be a number of tickets for members of the public. If you'd like a ticket, please contact me.

We are hoping to set up a trust fund to help restore some of the art, again, if you'd like to become a friend of the arts and sponsor a painting, please contact me.
