Operation Clean Sweep - A Huge Success
Me sweeping up on Billington Street.
Me after having swept up, litter picked and weeded the car park on Garstang Road South. Tim Ashton and David Miller are just out of shot!
The flower bed outside Everest Court after we'd cleaned it.
The same flower bed before we'd cleaned it.
All the Volunteers at the start of the operation.
About 40 or 50 community Volunteers came out this Morning and cleaned up most of Wesham. It's been a huge success with tons of rubbish, litter and weeds removed. I would like to say Thank you For Fylde Borough Council for organizing it and For Wesham Town Council for letting us use the Community Centre as a base. Certain councilors from a next door town (Kirkham) were conspicuous by their absence though. But I think it was great. A real community achievement by Wesham people supported by many officers and staff from Fylde Borough Council who have given it their all this morning. Well done everyone who came out to help and thank you everyone who help organize it.
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