Rural Fylde Conservatives

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cabinet Meeting

At last nights cabinet meeting of Fylde Borough Council, which according to the Liberal Democrat Leader went 'Very well' we yet again confirmed the council position not to lower the level of provision of swimming in the Fylde. This of course means that we are not looking at ways to improve and boost the provision.

I presented a report on Every Child Matters which has been accepted by the cabinet. I also spoke about Lancashire County Council turning it's back on Wesham and the Fylde with their decisions not to put the weight limit on the bridge in Wesham, closing down Warton Library and their plans to shut the County Information Centre in Lytham. The Cabinet support a resolution to condemn the closing of the centre and to demand an urgent meeting to protest about it.

Another issue that we spent time debating was fly tipping, dog fouling and general environmental vandalizm. Cllr Tim Ashton was tasked with bringing back a full report of these issue with some firm action to tackle them.