Rural Fylde Conservatives

Friday, January 26, 2007

Environmental Crime

A shift in Council policy I'm hoping to pursue is to change the name of our dog wardens and environmental enforcement officers to Environmental Crime Officers. This change, coupled with extra resources and an extra employee or two will send out the message that, dropping litter, fly tipping, fly posting and dog fouling is a crime that won't be tolerated. For too long this and other councils have been sending out the wrong message and until we get tough by fining and prosecuting people, it will continue to happen.

We all hate seeing dirty streets, or stepping over dog dirt, but nothing happens by its self, someone is responsible and someone must be made to be accountable for their anti social and illegal actions. Litter bins and dog bins are provided, waste handling sites are available to use and advertising space can be purchased elsewhere.

I'm ready to back tough action, are you? I'm soon going to be announcing my 4 point plan to get Wesham and the Fylde cleaned up. I'm sick of seeing back alleys messy and side streets clogged with litter, are you? Even when people use the litter bins they are rarely emptied, how long has that broken umbrella been sticking out of the bin on Meadow Park?

Standing water drains that resemble litter bins, what's the County Council doing to sort this problem out. I tell them about blocked gullys and eventually the clean them, but their policy's are not right as the should not be getting blocked in the first place.

Fly tipping down back alleys, it must come from some one. Lets get an Environmental Crime Officer to investigate, get some one fined and then made public that we're not tolerating this anymore in Wesham and the Fylde. Currently when fly tipping is reported to me, I can get removed in a day or so, but no further action. Well not anymore!

The bin men, I've heard stories about how they let litter slip out when emptying. I get the Inspection van to follow and it improves for a few days, but surely they're paid to put the rubbish in the rubbish van and not on the streets. Again a change in policy is needed and I also need to know when it happens. Can you let me know if it happens when your bin is emptied?

If you feel like me that the line in the sand needs drawing and we are saying enough is enough then, please let me know. I need your support to push this through and get the resources to make Wesham and the Fylde cleaner for all.

e-mail me at or ring on 01772 681983

