Rural Fylde Conservatives

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kirkham Baths


Did you know these two facts about Kirkham Baths?

1 Kirkham Baths is now a Swimming academy that has a regional reputation for training life guards. If you or if you know anyone who would like to training as a life guard contact the council. The academy is situated in the old Bath House.

2 Fylde Council in partnership with others are offering free swims at Kirkham and St Annes pools to all primary school children who have not yet met level 2.

These are both great commitments into the future of swimming in the Fylde and show tow more ways in which the council is trying to improve the level of swimming and fitness in the Fylde.

At St Annes pool (which is being re-roofed after storm damage and therefore closed) there are Spinning Classes and Pilates Classes at St. Annes pool. A further investment. I bet you don't see the councils critics shouting about these in the papers!