Clean up request

While out leafletting in Wesham yesterday I took these pictures (although not that good quality) of the Embankment of the By Pass at Eskham Close. You may be able to spot the accumulated rubbish? While taking the pictures a gentleman came out and said he had complained to the borough council last year 4 times and nothing had been done.
I am absolutely appalled that the council had ignored these requests from a member of the public that they serve! It's this kind of reaction that gives local councils a bad reputation. However, for me to do anything about it I need to know. In this instance I will get the rubbish removed this week and I'll also be asking for a clarification on why this has not been done when a member of the public complained.
But, I need to know if your area needs cleaning and I also need to know if you've talked to the council and got a poor response.
I also appreciate that last year while we were setting up the contact centers in Kirkham and St Annes that things took a little to get going, but now there is no excuses for that kind of treatment. If you complain or comment to the Council, it needs to be dealt with. 83% of all calls to 01253 658 658 get answered first time, which is over the target set. So there should be little problem getting through.
However, if you can't get through, ring me on 681983 of e-mail me at and I'll sort your issue out.
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