Rural Fylde Conservatives

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Community Safety Survey


I'd like to thank everyone who returned a community safety survey that I e-mailed out a couple of weeks ago. If you're not on the distribution list, you'd not have been sent one, but it's not too late to take part, I can send one out if you e-mail in.

I've had about 40 returned and there are some surprising results. Mainly, people are really happy living in Wesham, that they are not too bothered about crime and their own safety while out in Wesham and that most people are happy to pay extra to the town council every year to see local improvements, as long as they could see those improvements.

There were some specifics raised that will be address individually and there was a small amount of concern about speeding, which I'll be taking up with the relevant police officers.

So once again, thank you all who took part.


Simon 682582