Rural Fylde Conservatives

Monday, September 03, 2007

Free Swim Success

With the end of the school holidays comes the end of the free swims for under 16s at Kirkham Baths. This has been a fantastic success with over 2000 children in the Fylde taking up the offer to swim for free.

422 Children from Wesham used the pool for free, I think this is brilliant news for the future of the pool and for the children that went swimming for free. And just to think this whole scheme was jeopardized by a small number of councillors, many from areas where the scheme attracted children from, conspired to throw a spanner in the works of this offer by insisting that we offer a bus to the more remote areas of the borough to help the few rather than this scheme that helped the many.

Wesham's other Councillor was one, if she had her way, 422 children would have missed out as the bus never stopped in Wesham. How short sighted. Hang on, maybe this is the Independent councillors playing politics with people, something they've vowed never to do. People before politics was their election slogan.

Is it any coincidence that the leader of the Independent Political Party's own seat is one of the areas effected by the possible bus stoppage? The bus on the five weeks it ran picked up numbers of children as follows, 16, 16, 12, 11 and then 12. Well really, I find it amazing that some councillors will over look their own area, just to support the political ambitions of their political leader! Shame on them!

I can say now that I'll make sure that the free swim scheme runs again next year and with successful figures like that, why stop at summer holidays? Anything to get young people active and healthy.

For further details give me a ring.

