Rural Fylde Conservatives

Friday, November 23, 2007

Skateboard Park Success


Some great news! After my years of asking, campaigning and scheming, Wesham is to get its own Skateboard Park. £40,000 is to be spent on the park up on the Fleetwood Road Playing Fields.

The Town Council has agreed in principal and we only now have to consult with the young people of Wesham and Rural Fylde to work out the best and most useful design.

The money to build this has come in part from Fylde Vision, the local strategic partnership and I thanks them for agreeing to the scheme. They have agreed to £25,000, but the condition was that the council finds funds to partially match this.

I had no problem agreeing to using money in my budget as Cabinet Member at Fylde for Leisure and Young People. I have allowed the £15,000 set aside for youth provision to be used in Wesham on the Skate Park.

I can remember when this money was set aside at the budget meeting on 1st March 2007 The Conservatives presented a budget that included £15,000 for youth provision. You many want to have a look to see who was so proud to have voted against the Conservative Budget that she had her name recorded as voting against. Click on this link. It now seems so short sighted of her, but without the Conservatives budget, Wesham would still be waiting for its Skateboard Park.

As always, I'll keep you informed of the progress, but with this investment and the £80,000 being invested from the Weeton Road development that park will certainly improve.

