Rural Fylde Conservatives

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Talk about a band wagon.

I read in todays Lytham St Anne's Express how a certain County Councillor is claiming the credit for having parts of Wesham resurfaced. She says in her letter that for two years now she's been compling a list of raods that needed doing. That she's been consulting with other councillors and parish councils to build up this list.

Strange then that first I and everyone else I know has heard about it is the week after it appears in the local paper saying how grateful that Lancashire County Council is agreeing to my requests to have Morland Ave and Queens place resurfaced in January.

I've been writing about this on this website for months, I've e-mails going back what seems like years and now I've got somewhere someone else is jumping on the passing band wagon.

Politics is a funny game, some people seem to think the louder you shout the more people will believe you, but where exactly is the evidence Mrs County Councillor?

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