Grounds Maintenance
I've just been out with a team of people delivering leaflets around Wesham Hall Road and I am shocked at the condition of the grounds maintenance there. I think something urgently needs doing and I will be calling in to see the Parks Manager next week to discuss. The beds are over grown and there is litter everywhere. I've taken some pictures which I will be e-mailing out to the Parks Manager before I visit. I really do feel that the Open Spaces Contract has been mis managed here and questions needs asking.
It has already cost Wesham residents more money that it should due to sloppy tendering and specifications requirements and required me to argue a reduction based on land that the Borough owns being taken out of the figures. But I was expecting a better level of management of the contract. Maybe it's a case of out of site out of mind. Rest assured I'll be taken firm action.
It has already cost Wesham residents more money that it should due to sloppy tendering and specifications requirements and required me to argue a reduction based on land that the Borough owns being taken out of the figures. But I was expecting a better level of management of the contract. Maybe it's a case of out of site out of mind. Rest assured I'll be taken firm action.
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