Rural Fylde Conservatives

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Crewe Election Success


It's been a while since I've posted on this site, mainly due to the heavy work load with what's going on at the Town Hall and also due to the sad death of Gweneth Dunnwoody, the popular MP for Crewe and Nantwich. Being a loyal party Worker I've been putting a few spare days into that campaign, along with 1000's of my colleagues around the country. It was good to see that all our hard work paid off and what a result. A 17% swing that if repeated at a general election would see Labour with only 101 MP's.

Some may question why a councillor from Rural Fylde should be so excited by this result and surely he should be working in Wesham instead of running around other people's streets delivering newsletters. And that would be a good question to ask. However, the answer is, firstly Wesham was not neglected, I've still be doing casework, I've still attended the meetings I needed to go to and I've still been working for Wesham and Fylde's interests.

And secondly, only by speaking to other people around the country can I gauge the level of betrayal of the British people by Gordon Brown. The 10p tax fiasco for one. A tax rate introduced to help people on low incomes, taken away which has left 5.3 million people worse off.

By getting a Conservative Government elected many of the problems we face locally can be challenged and changed. A Conservative Government for instance would have allowed us to have a local agenda when setting council tax levels, meaning local priorities can be funded. This could have taken all uncertainty away over Kirkham Baths.

Although I am a local politician, nation politics affects local decision more so than some care to admit. I am a committed Conservatives, and I am also committed to the local people, the two are compatible and the two will help delivery better public services and facilities.