Rural Fylde Conservatives

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mini Roundabout Repair

I have noticed that the mini roundabout at the bottom of Garstang Road North has had the pot hole filled in. This has taken several e-mails to the County Council, but it appears they have not been in vain.

Let me know of any pot holes in your road and I can get them sorted as well.


Simon 682582

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

County Action at Last

I have been long campaigning to get the pavements of Wesham resurfaced and it now appears that Lancashire County Council is at long last going to do this. I've read in the papers that most of the central streets are going to be done, just like I've asked for.

I've asked for exact details and will pass them on when I get them, but in the meantime, if you click on this link, you'll see that in April last year and before I've been asking for these to be done.


Simon 682582

An Introduction

I'm introducing a character to you. She's Called Iva the Independent, as you can see, she's a little bit cute, but mainly scaly. The most impressive feature is her ability to change colour at a whim, or more appropriately who she's speaking to.

Click on her to make her change colour

You can watch Iva going from Blue to Red to Orange to Green and when it suits, grey. But really
she's just a loner, happy sitting on a bench on her own.

Local Government Press

Why not JOIN the winning team.


If you would like to join the Conservative party in Wesham, you can click here JOIN to down load a leaflet that tells you more about joining. IF you fill it in and send it to the free post address shown, you can become a member and help get rid of Gordon Brown at Number 10 and Labour at County Hall.

As usual, you can e-mail me for more details. 682582

Council Meeting

I attended last nights full council meeting of Fylde Borough Council. The agenda was not too controversial, but the meeting still went on for two hours. Topics discussed included the Multi Area Agreements, that the Independent Party tried in vain to scupper, which would see this council working with Blackpool and Wyre councils for better working practices and better outcomes. Again the Independents showed why they led the council into the ground, talk about 'Fortress Fylde'.

Other areas discussed were the schedule of meetings and delegated powers to the Finance Officer. The meeting ended at about 9 pm.

Working with Children

Watch this video to why 'professionals' never work with animals or children.

The full video can be seen by clicking here.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A letter to the Gazette in defence of Margaret Thatcher

Dear Sir,

I must take extreme exception to Bryan Partington's letter in the Gazette dated 25/1/2008. I cannot believe the level of dogma that man must suffer from to call one of the greatest world leaders of a generation evil. Lady Thatcher was a Prime Minister that made this country feel proud again.

I'm too young to remember this country in the late 60's and throughout the 70's when picket lines were common and work forces walked out at a drop of a hat. I did not live through the height of the cold war, where the real threat of nuclear annihilation was present. I did not suffer when Great Britons world position plummeted due to socialist policy. I have vague recollections that the once mighty United Kingdom was seen as so weak a Military Junta thought they could take advantage of us and invade British Sovereign Soil. I only hear stories of the Winter of Discontent.

However, I can remember the Lady that reversed all that, the Lady who did not turn and the Lady who had more courage than many before her and certainly all who followed in the job after her. When the Union Flag flew once again over Port Stanley, I was at 8 years old, very happy, very proud and very grateful for the sacrifice. When the Berlin Wall fell, I knew this country played it's whole hearted part in ending Soviet ambition, as a result Mrs. Thatcher’s courage. I am now glad that a Government runs this country, not Stalin's henchmen in the bullyboy unions of the 70's.

People seem to take for granted this Country's economic position, but seem to forget that it is a product of the free market, set free by the Iron Lady. Setting free industry to make money for this country, setting free small enterprise to set stability for families and for individuals who are now free to work hard and take home the profits of that work. This is Mrs. Thatcher's legacy and many, many people will never forget the part played by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the making of today's Great Britain.

Councillor Simon Renwick - Conservatives

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Police Pay - by David Davis

David Davis: we must restore honour and integrity to Government’s
relationship with the police. Government should not be able to depart from police pay settlement without a Parliamentary vote

Speaking to the Police Federation rally today, Shadow Home Secretary, David
Davis, said:

“It is important to be honest and upfront. We cannot promise to pay you back
pay. We do not know how many pay settlements the Government intends to beach
in the next two years. And, as a matter of integrity, it would be improper
to essentially say ‘Vote Tory and we will pay you £200’ - that sort of
politics went out of practice 200 years ago!

“Frankly this is no longer about money. It is about honour, trust and
confidence that the Government has betrayed. So I thought about how we
restore confidence in the relationship.

“We cannot legally take away the power from Government to overrule a pay
settlement, but I have agreed with David Cameron and George Osborne that if
a future Conservative Government wants to overrule a statutory arbitration,
they must come to the House of Commons and get approval. They must put it to
a vote of MPs.

“In that way we can return honour and integrity to the system and ensure
that, in future, the police and other disciplined services are never again
treated in the scandalous way you have been treated to date.”

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wesham Post Office Success

Wesham Post Office survives the Closure Program.

In today announcement by the Post Office, Wesham has survived the chop, along with most post offices in Fylde. The Government has, though said 4 will close, including Singleton, Elswick, Catforth and Warton Street in Lytham.

This is of course good news for Wesham, but not so good for some people, especially those serviced by the offices due to close. I think the most serve cut will be the one in Singleton. Singleton is a unique village and I feel this will just have such a negative effect on village life.

The Conservatives locally have campaigned to keep the post offices open. We got a petition with over a 1000 names and we passed a notice of motion at Council to oppose the closures. It would be nice to think it all had an effect, but I believe that the Government cynically stuck to their formula and ignored all public concern.

So it's well done to Wesham, but sad news for Singleton. The Conservatives will now take check and think about opposing all these cuts.




We have received today a letter offering the old allotments on Morland Avenue to the Town Council to lease. We are minded to do so, but I've asked the Borough to have the site cleared so they can go into immediate use.

When the Borough took these off the Town they were in usable condition and it is only fair that they are returned in a fair condition.

I'm hoping that they will soon be up for rent and will of course let you know when they are. 682582

New Notice Board

The Town Council has decided to purchase a new notice board for the Town. I must say it's about time the old one is past it best. The new one will be made of wood and will be able to hold 8 A4 sheets.

The board will be paid for by the Mayor, the Civic Trust and the Town Council.

I'll look forward to it going up.

Youth Centre?

It's been suggested that the pavilion at Fleetwood Road be turned into a youth club? What do you think. It will be renovated and managed by a youth worker. This maybe what's needed with all the young peoples facilities being developed at Fleetwood Road.

Please let me have your views.

Simon 682582

New Dog Bin?

At tonight's Town Council meeting we decided to ask for a new dog bin situated on Bowland Grange in Wesham. I stipulated that it will have to be placed sensitively so it does not obscure any ones view. I have also written to the manager at Fylde Council to ensure we get one, as Bowland Grange seems to be the only place in Wesham without one.

Let me know what you think.

Simon 682582

Cigarette success?

Following some complaints about cigarette buts being disposed off outside the three pubs in Wesham, I've now had word back that action will be taken.

The street cleaners will spend extra time cleaning up and monitoring and the supervisor will be have a quiet word with the land lords to ensure that a bin is placed outside.

I hope this clears away the problem, but if not, let me know.


Simon 682852

Street Light Success


I've had it confirmed today that after a year of campaigning the Street Light at Princess Avenue Garages is to be installed in the very near future. This just leaves the street light at Meadow Crescent Garages and the bridge over to the Kingfisher.

For further details, please give me a ring or e-mail.


Simon 682582

Monday, January 21, 2008

Fylde Conservative Future


Just to let you know about the launch of a new website. Go to to get details on Fylde Conservative Future, the Conservative Party branch for the under 30's.


Simon 682582

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cigarette Buts

I've had a number of complaints recently about the number of cigarette butts being thrown on the ground outside the three pubs in Wesham following the public smoking ban. Although I don't want the council to come down heavy handed on pub landlords something needs to be done to look at this problem.

I have asked the councils environmental unit to look into this and I will follow up what they say. I will as always let you know what happens. 682582.





It's been a week since I've updated this, so sorry. However, it has been a busy week, but not necessary with Wesham stuff. I had meetings Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all last week. Those being a Conservative Group Meeting, a meeting with the Candidate for the Blackpool North seat, a briefing with my key officers and then Cabinet on Wednesday. Nothing on the cabinet agenda directly effect Wesham so nothing really crucial to report.

Thursday I go out with some friends to a pub quiz and that was good after a hard week. We did not win, in fact we came last, but as the old English proverb goes, it's the taking part that counts.

The Government again has shown why it can't be trusted with ID cards. A laptop computer belonging to the MOD was stolen with 600,000 peoples private data on. On top of that bags of confidential waste was found by a road and all this follows the Child Benefit and the DVLA data loses.

I mean imagine if that was your biometric data that was lost?

As always, any issues, comments or questions to 682582.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Recent Fires


I've been reading in the local press recently about a spate of house fires in the local area. There does seem to be more recently than I remember previously. I have written to the Chief Fire Office to ask for figures to compare from previous years.

I've also asked what information or eduction campaigns are happening in this area as there must be a root cause to all the fires.

I'll let you know the response.


Simon 682582

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Market Street Success

Following a recent comment from a resident I've had Market Street cleaned up and is now in a condition 100 times better than before. I've spoken to the street scene manager and he's assured me that Market Street won't get in to that state again.

Let me know if any attention is needed in your street.


Simon 682582

More good news.

Firstly, Thanks to the volunteers for news letter delivering. We still need people in Derby Road, Park Lane, Garstang Road North and Morland Avenue. If you have a free 30 minutes and are able to do a 100 leaflets every month or so, please get in touch.

The other piece of good news, especially if you are a Tory is that the latest opinion poll again puts the Conservatives 10% ahead of Labour, who are down 3 point and the Liberals, despite having a new 'energetic' leader have only gained 1%.

It's clear that the Conservatives are heading to win. Why don't you join the party and be part of the winning team.

Contact me on 682582 or e-mail



PS, look out for me on Facebook.

Labour in trouble again!


It appears that the political future of, the once tipped for PM, Peter Hain is on the rocks. He apparently forgot to declare £103,000 in his failed deputy leadership campaign of the Labour Party.

I once forgot about £20 in an old wallet, I'd certainly not forget about £103,000. And then the scandal gets worse. Apparently two donors gave money to a 'think tank' who then gave the money without their consent to his campaign. Is that not theft! It appears the whole Government that was elected with high hopes is rotten to the core.

Lets get an election and get rid of them!

Simon 682582

Monday, January 07, 2008

Common Sense Victory


I've heard word from Lancashire County Council today that they are going to make changes to the Station Road roundabout that had been causing so much concern with residents of Wesham.

I'm glad I've been able to sort this out for residents as it was a big issue. I've copied the text of the e-mail from the County so you can see what's being proposed.

"Cllr Renwick,

Following a site meeting this morning some additional signs on the approaches to the roundabout have been put on order, some anti-skid treatment (part of the original scheme but somehow omitted) is to be applied shortly. The roundabout on Station Rd is to be built up however, due programming commitments elsewhere for the surfacing crew this cannot be carried out until mid February.

As in all projects, the scheme would be subject to a post opening safety audit but in light of the additions/revisions this will not be undertaken until the works above are complete.

With regard to additional double yellow lines on Station Rd suggested in the email from Ms XXXXX an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for that section of highway would be required which includes advertisements, an opportunity for public response etc. I am not empowered to merely add to or extend these parking prohibition lines. However, Karen Galloway Traffic & Safety Network Management based at Hampson Green should be able to shed further light on this subject. "

If you have any further concerns please get in touch with me.


Simon 682582

7,000 hits

This website has now had over 7,000 hits on it. This is fantastic news and shows how useful it is as a local community tool and as a way of informing the people of Fylde. Keep visiting and let me know what you think.





I've got an account on Facebook, the social networking phenomena. I really like it as a way of keeping in touch and spreading news. If you have a facebook account perhaps, like Jeremy Beadle and Keith Chegwin, you'd consider being my friend.

Just search for Simon Renwick in the Manchester Network and I'll agree to your request.

If you have not got an account go to and create an account. You don't have to give any more personal information than you want to and it'll surprise you how many old and new friends you'll find.



Sunday, January 06, 2008

Real Christmas Tree Recycle Points


If you have a real Christmas Tree and you want to recycle it, click on this link for the details.


Simon 682582

Saturday, January 05, 2008


There is a new (well recently new) website,, which gives a broader Conservative view of rural Fylde and nationally.

Please visit it if you're interested.



Report the litter


As always I'm keen to see the Town litter free, if your street needs some extra attention, please let me know.



Bowland Grange Pond

I've got agreement from the Council that some work will be undertaken on the Bowland Grange Pond. As you can see, it's got into a state over the last few months and just needs some renovation. I've reported that the path is slippy, retaining wall is collapsing, there is wood floating about, the no fishing sign needs replacing and as previously reported the life rings housing had been vandalised.
I'm hoping these issues will be sorted as soon as possible, but at the very latest by the end of the week.

Street Signs - again!

These are the latest road signs I've reported to the Council to get sorted. Amy more, just let me know.


Simon 682582

Street Signs - again!



The final 600 of issue 32 of the Wesham Watchdog go out today. So if you're in the Meadow Park, Weeton Road, Morland Avenue or Park Lane area of Wesham, watch out for it coming through your letter box.

I'm always happy to have more volunteers to help deliver leaflets. If you can spare an hour a month to delivery 100 leaflets in your area, please get in touch.


Simon 682582

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Skate Park Consultation Results


Following the consultation event a few Sundays ago, Fylde borough staff have been collating the results. Top among them was a desire to see more challenging equipment for older children, a skate park and a multi use games area.

With the recent Lottery Fund announcement to put a multi use games area at Barnfield in Kirkham, we've decided not to double up just yet on the same equipment in so closer an area.

We also feel that a skate park is more challenge equipment for older children, so the consensus is towards the skate park. The Town Council is still principally in favour and the consultation cast no doubt upon that support. So it looks like we'll have a skate park in Wesham by April.

Council staff will be working on a design next week to show the Town Council and get final approval. The purchase order should be raised in late Jan and work starting in March.

I really do think this is excellent news for Wesham and the whole of rural Fylde, it will give give us a facility that we can be proud of.


Simon 682582

Road Gritting Campaign


This is an extract from an e-mail received today about my article in the Gazette over better gritting being needed in Rural Fylde.

"I was pleased to see that you are trying to get the County Council to grit the small roads in the area. The newspaper article neglected to say that I was the 5th motorist to skid and seriously damage my car on the same stretch of road between Weeton and Wesham on the morning of 20 December. I still cannot believe that I was not hurt but feel the County Council should make it a priority to grit that road when necessary before someone is fatally hurt. The man from Fylde Motors, who recovered my car, said that the road is notorious for black ice. If the Council cannot agree to grit the road at least warning signs should be put up. "

This campaign seems to have resonated with the public, it's just a pity our current County Councillor has kept quiet on this subject, like on every other subject I suppose. Any idea's who it is? Answers on a post card.


Simon - 682582

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

I would like to wish all readers of this site a Happy New Year and hope that 2008 is healthy and successful.

Warm regards,
