Rural Fylde Conservatives

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sunday Cycle

Don't forget to give me a call if you'd like to see me this Sunday.



St Leondards Ward Web Site


This is the link to the St. Leonard's Ward web site. The two councillors are two new Conservative councillors on the council, both very keen and capable. I'd urge you all to have a look and see some of the issues in St. Annes and compare them, you'll see we're not that far away really.



Wednesday, May 23, 2007



This is my 275 post on this website. I hope you all find it useful and it provides the information you need. Let me know what you think, whether it is useful and what else you may like to see appear.



The streets will be cleaner

Hello All,

Election manifesto number one completed! Last night after a short debate the Town Council agreed (again) to hand the street cleaning back to the professionals, which in this case are Fylde Borough Council. We've already noticed a huge improvement and streets are being attended to that had been ignored previously.

The Borough Council are the best at doing this service and I'm personally looking forward to cleaner streets. There will be teething trouble, but in general you will all see a better service.

However, if you're not happy with your street, just get in touch and let me know, I'll get it sorted and that's a promise.


Simon 681983

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The New Roundabout

Some more good news.

After complaining to the County about the condition of the roundabout, ie the weeds and general repair; I've been told by the powers that be that it's going to get sorted as my comments are correct and it is an eyesore and in a state.

Also, following on from comments raised during the election the roundabout is due to be re profiled and the strange adverse camber sorted out. More action following my intervention.


Simon. 681983

Affordable housing in Wesham.


I've seen site of the nominations policy for the affordable housing in Wesham and it's as I said during the elections to the people I spoke to about this subject. In the first instance Fylde Borough Council will nominate 100% of the tenants. The criteria will be based on being local, ie Kirkham and Wesham people. Following that it will be people from the wider Fylde. After that it's anyone else.

However, the anyone else will have a long wait as the housing list has several thousand people on it, more of them local than houses available.

There is still some fine tuning of the policy and I am arranging and chairing a meeting with the housing officers and others to discuss this further. But the influx of Liverpool and Manchester people that was rumoured to be coming in, is not true.

If you need any further information on this, please do not hesitate to get in contact.


Simon 681983

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Derby Road Gardens

Despite the initial knock back from the Primary Care Trust over the state of the Derby Road gardens, I'm not giving up. I'm asking the borough solicitor to get involved.

However, at least they've cut the grass, which is a start in the right direction.


Simon. 681983

Street sign success


Just to report that the Catherine Close and Church Walk signs have been replaced with brand new ones following my request. I'm not sure if the Railway Terrance sign has been done yet, but I have asked for it to be looked at.

There are several down Carr Drive that need a good clean that I am in process of getting arranged.


Simon. 681983

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Conservative Party


A bit of a pitch for people to join the Conservative Party in Wesham. For just £2 per month you can be a member of the party and help the party win and campaign. You can also help shape and influence policy and candidate selection.

There will also be many different social and political events that you can go to, locally and nationally, some may even have William Hague, David Cameron or even Margaret Thatcher in attendance.

Wesham does have a branch of the party, but we need members to run it, we need people to become Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members.

If you'd like to know more, just get in touch and we can discuss it in more detail.


Simon 681983

Thursday, May 17, 2007

PCT refusual.


Despite the Primary Care Trust being legally obliged to maintain and plant the flower beds in the former council officers, they are still refusing. I've now got the borough solicitor onto them to point out their legal duty and to also offer up a remedy if they continue to refuse.

I'm sure they'd find the money on wall paper or decent stationery, but not £100 on some bedding plants to show respect to the people who live in the community they serve!

I'll keep you all informed.



New Mayors

On Tuesday night I went to Wesham's Mayor making, Councillor David Ogden is Wesham's Town Mayor for the next 12 months. David will do an excellent job of chairing the Town Council meetings and in being an ambassador for the Town.

Yesterday we Fylde's Mayor making, where Councillor John Prestwich was installed. I've worked with John on the council for 5 years now and he's been my Vice Chairman for 2 years when I was Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny. John, again will make a fine Chairman of the council and will be busy representing the council during the next 12 months, at on average, 400 engagements.

I really do wish John and David all the best for the next 12 months.


Simon 681983

Action on more pot holes


I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the pot holes outside the PCT car park entrance on Derby Road. I am happy to report that they have now been filled in, following my request for them to be done.



Friday, May 11, 2007

Sunday Cycle Surgery


If you'd like me to visit you this Sunday on my cycle surgery, just give me a ring or an e-mail. Many people have found this very useful.


Simon 681983

Eagle Eyed loop hole


Following my requests an eagle eyed legal eagle has spotted a loop hole in the lease of the former Council offices on Derby Road, which will force the Primary Care Trust to plant up the beds and take a much better care of the gardens than at present.

I would have actually hoped the Trust would have done this as a matter of course without being forced into it, but no matter how they are will have to know make an effort.


Simon 681983

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Derby Road Office Garden


I am embarrassed as to the condition that the Primary Care Trust has left the garden on the office's they lease from the Council on Derby Road. I have again written to the demanding they do something about this. I am also bringing this to the attention of our own Chief Executive at Fylde to add his weight.


Simon 681983

Repaired railway fence


Just to report that Network Rail has now repaired the fence between the line and the open space on Knightsbridge Close after I asked them to.



Monday, May 07, 2007



The turnout of the election was 43.1% which I think is about 8% up on the last election and in perspective to other wards is very good.

Thank you again to everyone who came out and voted.



Thank you


I'd like to thank everyone who has written or phoned with their congratulations, it has been overwhelming. In response to all the well wishers I'd like to say, that I'll not let you down and will continue to work over the next four years to deliver on the promises I've made for Wesham and those the Conservatives have made for Fylde.

I am following up the issues that people have raised on the door step and I'll report on those over the next few days.

However, some of the issues I've already addressed include:

  1. The Gardens at the Derby Road Offices are a mess and I am demanding the Primary Care Trust sort them out.
  2. I'm arranging an urgent meeting with the Council's Housing Manager to talk through the arrangements for the affordable housing that is currently being built.
  3. I've asked for clarification on the amount of money being given from the developers for play equipment and what the plans for it are as a matter of urgency.
  4. I'm asking trading standards to do some test purchases of underage sales of alcohol in Wesham.
  5. I'm getting the council to sort out the planted areas of Mowbreck Court
  6. I've asked the Cabinet Member, Tim Ashton to plan a strategy to tackle dog fouling across the borough.
  7. I've asked the police to look at the issues of Mini Motor Bikes being ridden around the Derby Road Area (including Wesham Hall Road).
  8. I've asked the County Director when the new roundabout is going to look presentable.

I'll let you all know when these issues get actioned.


Simon. 681983

Friday, May 04, 2007

Election Results


I got back from the count for the Fylde election about an hour ago. The results are as follows:

Simon Renwick 714
Linda Nulty 519
Alan Clayton 403
Bill Taylor 89

You can see the results on by following this link, the Medlar-with-Wesham ward is the second result to be shown.

Myself and Linda have been elected to serve you as your councillors for the next 4 years. I'd like to thank the other candidates, the election staff and every single resident who came out to vote in the elections. I'm not sure what the turn out was but I'll let you know when I find out.

In the rest of the council the Conservatives took 27 out of the 51 seats so we have a good working majority and a clear mandate to implement our manifesto for the next four years.

Once again, thank you all.



Thursday, May 03, 2007

Election Day

Good morning,

Today is election day. The polls are open from 7am until 10pm. I (or someone representing me) should be there all day, so say hello if you come to vote.

Every vote counts and every vote is needed to make sure I win, as I have said previously if you want to see me returned as your hard working and result delivering councillor please consider voting for me and me alone.

I'm sure you know by now what I stand for and what I want to try and achieve in Wesham, and if you read previous posts you'll see the stuff I try to get done. So I hope you can support me and see me as your councillor for the next 4 years.

Just to compare and contrast; I read the independents leaflet yesterday and I think it speaks volumes when they lay claim to building the by pass nearly 20 years ago as something to propel them to victory, I am sure the Secretary of State (Conservative) took note of 2 Wesham Town Councillors at the time when he signed the order to build it. I also note that the 25 year old community centre was paid for by an additional Borough Tax of 2p agreed by a Lytham St Annes dominated Conservative Council at Fylde, so that's another claim that just does not stack up.

So their two greatest claims were actually party political and were actually Conservative achievements, so much for us party people not being able to put people before politics, seems it's served Wesham well!

Their other three claims were happening anyway and as for the bridge repaint, it was a good job, but paid for by money the Conservatives put in to the budget that the Independents voted against, including one of them that is now using it for her own glorification.

So really it's a case of credit stealing, bandwagon jumping and clutching at straws.



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Final Days of the Election


This is the last day before the election. I've tried to knock on every door, but this task proved to much so I reckon that we knocked on about 95% of the doors of Wesham and if you were not in then I am sorry to have missed you and you'll have seen my sorry you were out card.

The response has been great with many people saying good things about the work I do and the newsletters and website I write.

I can win this election and carry on serving you, but I need every vote, as every vote counts in this election.

However, if you really want to see me win this election, then can I ask that you consider using only one of your two votes and vote for me alone, that way I have more chance of winning and providing action for Wesham.

I want to thank all the readers of this website for the comments and question you send in and I hope that you all find this useful and informative. I do hope I can serve you all again for another 4 years and continue bringing in the benefits of having me as your councillor at Fylde to Wesham.

Warm regards,

Simon 681983

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Do the Independent Claims Stack Up?


I've been given an independent's leaflet from Newton and Clifton ward in which he hails triumphantly his part in getting £18,000 for a play park in Newton. I've attached the link to the council web site in which it clearly shows him as having voted against the Conservatives 5 year capital program that included the £18,000 for the play park.

He is the second councillor in the list who proudly asked to have their names as voting against a budget that had £103,000 worth of Youth Investment in it. He was also proud to be associated with scrapping the improvements on Lytham War Memorial and on scrapping the Community Project Fund, which the Conservatives put into the budget and which has previously paid for the Railway Bridge painting and will hopefully pay for a Wesham Town Clock.

You will also see how they all voted together under the Independent Whip or was this just coincidence. It appears that they all play a game of saying one thing and doing another? I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions and leave it saying they plan to form a registered political party after the elections.

