Rural Fylde Conservatives

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bins out all week.

Another complaints I have had recently is people leaving their bins out all week and not putting them back onto their property. This is a hazard and can also lead to littering when they get knocked or blown over.

I appreciate that it is hard for some people to take their bins to the rear of their property, but it is a responsibility people have to take seriously for the good of the Town.

I'm taking advice on what can be done to encourage people to take the proper action.



Noise Nuisance


I've had several complaints recently about Foxes Biscuit's causing a noise nuisance after 20:30, which is after the agreed time for them to do whatever process they do that makes the noise. I've reported this to the Noise Control people and hopefully something will get done.



Saturday, June 23, 2007

The week a head

Again a fairly quiet week, with the only official meeting on Thursday when I am getting together with my key officers to look at how we can deliver the Tourism Manifesto Pledge. This breaks down in to 4 distinct areas;

Making Fylde a national tourist destination.
Making Fylde an International tourist destination.
Making Fylde a venue for large events.
Building on the Golf Coast success.

This is going to be a long meeting which will deliver long term benefits to the borough as a whole. Although St. Annes is the destination, tourist pounds contribute to the whole of the local economy and a successful St. Annes means a successful borough. The by product is that we all have quality beach, restaurants, attractions and countryside to benefit from.

I'll post again about this subject as it is important to us all.



Hit Counter


Just to let you know, since October 2nd 2006 this website has had 4,200 hits, which I believe is fantastic. Keep clicking and keep coming back.

Thanks for your support,


This weeks update.

Hello All,

A slightly less busy week last week.

On Tuesday we had the monthly Town Council meeting where we welcomed the two new co opted Town Councillor, Teresa McGardle and Margaret Rawcliffe. Other items on the agenda included the financial short fall for the Town Council failing to live with in our means.

We tendered for the open spaces contract asking for a bells and whistle specification. We asked Fylde Borough Council to do this. They came back with a price which we did not market test or question, based on the assumption that Fylde will pay the extra. Fylde, then paid the open spaces grant based on what they paid last year, which is £8,000 less than assumed, but by which time we've signed a contract for the open spaces grant.

It's a bit of a tricky situation, made no less easier as Fylde both pay the open spaces grant and carry out the open spaces maintenance. This leads some people to thinking that Fylde is conning us. Not at all, they bid based on a tender specification which we put together. The fact that one department at Fylde is doing the contract is just the same as any other contractor doing the work. And incidentally they are doing a really good job.

So the choices are stark. We cut something from the budget, or we rasie the precept. The current precept is about £6.50 a year collected through your council tax. For every £1 the precept goes up, we raise just over £1000. So we'd have to put the precept up to £14.50 a year, or £1.40 a month. The cuts would be maybe shutting the bowling green, less flowers or less grass cutting.

We are trying to ask Fylde to make up the difference! So that means everyone in the borough has to pay for Wesham Council's assumption. Wesham Council owns it's own open spaces and as landowners and a Town Council it is our responsibility to maintain them. The historic open spaces grant system is out dated and puts Wesham's very local destiny into the hands of others. Others who have duties and responsibilities to provide other priorities, like emptying the bins and cleaning the streets.

I'd welcome your views on this. Do you mind paying £1.40 a month extra or not?

Get in touch; e-mail or ring 681983.



This weeks update.

Hello All,

A slightly less busy week last week

Saturday, June 16, 2007



As in my last post, it has been a busy week, not least as my home computer has blown up. I'm updating this on my Council laptop which is on dial up connection and consequently is very slow. So I'll not be able to do any pictures until my own computer is fixed.

I'll also not be able to do anything party political on the computer as that is not what the council provide me with a computer for. But I can use it to update the website and let you all know what is going on.

I've had reports of rats in and around the back alleys near the co op. I'll get some traps laid and them sorted out.

I'm still trying to get a meeting with the housing people, although I am now aware that the affordable homes on Derby Road development are being bought and managed by New Fylde Housing on similar arrangements about local people first.

On Wednesday lunch time I am going to a the Lancashire Tourism Awards. In the Fylde the Grand Hotel has been nominated and I've my fingers crossed that the Grand win. That'll be a great confidence boost for them following their recent investment.

On Monday I am again going to East Staffordshire Council to deliver a workshop on effective communication to their newly elected councillors. I'll be holding this website up as an example of good practice.

This week a Wesham lady has been found guilty of causing a nuisance by allowing a barking dog to continue to bark. I think this is an important point. We all love our pets, but when they get to the stage where they are causing misery to other there is a mechanism to address this and the council, supports people's right to a quiet life.

If anyone has any question or points to make, please contact me.


Saturday, June 09, 2007

Water Leak


You may have noticed the water leak on Garstang Road South has not yet been fixed. It seems that United Utilities Water are useless at fixing leaks. They are charging vast amounts to supply you with quality water and then allowing it to drain away.

I'm taking this higher and will be writing to the Chairman of the Company and to Michael Jack MP.

My contact at Lancashire County Council has written to the them as many times as I have written to him and we've both got nowhere with this company.



Young Conservatives Launched

Just to let you know that the Fylde Young Conservatives has been set up again. If you are or know someone who is under 30 (ish) and would like to be involved, just get them to get in touch with me.



The Week Ahead.


Just to let you know about the week ahead and if you feel there is anything I can bring up on your behalf, just get in contact.

On Monday I have several meetings, starting with the Housing Meeting, then my regular meeting with my officers concerning Tourism, Leisure and Culture, then I am meeting with the Chief Executive of the Council to talk about the 'Every Child Matters' agenda. Following on from that I'll be signing a decision to commit some planning gain money from a development in Lytham on two parks in Lytham. After that it's the Cabinet's informal briefing and following that I've the Conservative Group meeting. A busy day

On Wednesday I've the Cabinet Meeting, you can look at the agenda by going to:

On Thursday I'm visiting East Staffordshire District Council to deliver a workshop to their new councillors on community leadership and involvement, using this website and Wesham as an example.

If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch.



Last Week


It's been a busy week last week with lots happening.

On Monday I was quizzed and grilled by the Holiday Association of Lytham and St. Annes, who represent the hotels and guest houses. They have concerns about the way the council markets the borough as a tourist destination, amongst other issues like the opening times of the Tourist Centre, the Holiday Guide and the tourism budget. I hope I answered their points and left them knowing that the council and I am on their side. The Conservatives had a pledge at the elections to make Fylde and national and international tourist destination. We're working on how we turn that into reality.

On Tuesday the Town Council interviewed for two new councillors. I'm not sure if their names are public yet and it would be unfair to name them without knowing that all candidates have been informed. All I can say is that all 4 candidate were of a high calibre and it was difficult choosing.

On Wednesday I attended the Les Dawson Stature Appeal dinner at the Grand. This was a great occasion that saw many local celebrities, sporting personalities and local people coming together to raise money for something they feel is important. I am on the fund raising committee and I know there is a lot more entertainment to come.

I wish every one a happy club day today and hope the weather holds up as promised. I'll be going to the fun afternoon at the Community Centre with my family, so I hope to see some of you there.



Housing Issues

I've not yet had the meeting with the housing people, but I am hoping to do so next week. I'm making sure that Wesham people get first refusal of the new rented and affordable housing.

I'll update the website after the meeting.



Community Safety Issues


I am sorry it's been some time since the last update, but with the election over, not as many people are providing me with the issues to sort out. However, I did get one e-mail recently about the old problem of young people hanging around the alley way behind the Co-op.

I've had this issue raised before and I've tried to do something about it, however, the Co-op seem unable or unwilling to act.

This time though they've agreed to attend a meeting about the issue and I want to turn this meeting into a community safety summit. I'll be setting a date in the future where I'll invite the police, the council and some other key stake holders.

I think I know many of the issues involved with community safety in Wesham, but please feel free to contact me.



Friday, June 01, 2007

Some Recent News

The roundabout work will start on the 16th June

Mowbreck Court Planted Area's should be worked on week beginning 11th June

In Response to my question about the Borough 'doing something' for the returning Soldiers from Iraq at Weeton Camp, the council is organising a march and reception in July

Next weekend in the Continental Market in Lytham.


Simon 681983