Rural Fylde Conservatives

Monday, October 30, 2006

More Local History


Some more surfing has revealed this interesting site. It's the Fylde Union Work Houses site, one of which wa sin Wesham on the hospital site. Check it out some good pictures of the workhouse and a couple of old maps of Wesham.



BBC Action Web Site


I came across this site at the BBC. It's an local action site where people can register and talk about issues and campaigns etc. There is a simple registration and then you get into it. I've registered. I don't know the value of the site yet, but if people registered and used it it may just catch one. Anyway, check it out.



Saturday, October 28, 2006

Some more local history


It's amazing what you can find when you type Wesham into a search engine. Click on this link to read an interesting and local War Time story.



Response to Weight limit letter

I have this morning received a letter from Lancashire County Council say they are investigating the Town Council's request for a weight limit to be imposed on the Station Road Bridge. I will take the letter to the next meeting of the Town Council where its brief content can be discussed. However, I must say it's taken the County Council over two weeks to respond and its brevity speaks volumes.

I, nor the town council will let this pass without the most robust fight. We need to this weight limit before something bad happens on our streets in our town.

Best wishes,


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wesham Road Runners


Just to say that I've added a link on the right to the Wesham Road Runner site. Wesham Road Runners are a successful local running club. I feel that for my blog to be community based that many different groups and organization can use it to promote themselves. Wesham Road Runners is the fist of many.

If you click on the link you can get details about the club, joining and the results of the competitions they are in.

Also, if you are reading this and you are party of a club or organization and you'd like a link, please just e-mail me on



Sunday, October 22, 2006

Mobile Library


Did you know that Wesham has a mobile Library service? Well it does. It's every Monday 14:00 to 14:25 outside Derby House, Derby Road and 14:30 until 14:50 outside the Post Office.

Do you think this enough for our town. It seems to only be suitabel for those who are around on a Monday. I'd gladly contact the Library Service at County Hall to see if we could increase this service, if you'd like.

I've done a little poll here, click on it, fill it in and I'll let you know the results.




I've had this web site going for 3 weeks now. I've had over 150 visitors, which I think is great. However, I've not had many comments left, I've had e-mails from some, but not many comments. This web site is interactive and allows two way communication. You can leave comments without leaving your name and don't be afraid if you disagree with me. All comments are welcomed and all will be treated with respect. So please please let me know what you think of anything.



A little bit of local history


I was surfing the net and found this site which shows a little bit a local history. Many well remember this happening and may bring back some memories. It's the 100 foot chimney coming down. Have a click and lets us know what you think.



Saturday, October 21, 2006

Elections 2007

This is the subject of the meeting I attended on Monday. It was a great and positive meeting. We discussed all the seats in Rural Fylde and put names of local candidates in most of those seats. We think the Conservatives have turned round the council in the last 3 1/2 years from the state we inherited it in from that mish mash of failed Independents and Ratepayers. So we believe that crucially having sorted out the mess in our first term, that we should have a second term to deliver the benefits of a council with vision and stability.

However, having said we have a large number of rural candidates, it's not to late to offer some help or wanting to stand yourself. If you do, e-mail me at Lets make Fylde better together.

This is

If you go to you'll be surprised at the depth of this site. Although the title is Kirkham, there are lots of relevant Wesham points on it, including a survey, points of views and business adverts. It's well worth a visit. And if you have an event or facility to advertise, it's a great community way of doing so.

My Week.

Council speaking it's been a quiet week. I had one meeting on Monday evening and one on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting on Monday was a political meeting at Kirkham Conservative Club with the rural district of Fylde Conservatives, which I'll talk about in more detail in another post.

The meeting on Tuesday was my weekly briefing with the senior offices in my area of Cabinet responsibility. We talked at length about tourism and events, including re staging the Last night of the Proms concerts at Fylde Rugby Club. This has always been a popular event in the Fylde and fits in so well with our Quality Status. I have given my full support for this event and have promised to fight it's corner in Cabinet for budget purposes.

Another area we talked about in detail was the potential for Fairhaven Lake, it has huge potential to generate incoming tourism and to provide a better facility for all people in the Borough. I am holding a strategy event at the lake in early November where we can thrash out a future development plan.

Finally we discussed a concessions policy. Concessions range from Donkey's on the beach to Telescopes on the prom. The add value to the cultural experience of tourists and residents and bring in a small amount of income to the council. We also have to manage them closely to ensure the quality of these concessions match the expectations of Fylde Residents.

I am afraid sue to child care issues, I had to miss the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, but I believed the meeting went well and some good stuff discussed.

London: It's a big place.

This is me doing my bit for transatlantic co operation, by being nice to an American.

At a cool wine bar in Covent Garden, relaxing after receiving my Certificate.

On Thursday of this week I and 4 colleagues went by train to London to collect our certificates in Land Registration.

I'd been studying hard for a year to get this qualification, and was well please to get a commendation. The Certificate was handed out by the president of the Law Society of England and Wales, and Land Registry's Chief Land Registrar. It was a grand ceremony at the Law Society's Chancery Lane HQ.

I really enjoyed my day out and I felt chuffed to pass the course. I am now continuing with my studies by doing a two year diploma.

However, the serious stuff aside, and being in London, and as we'd all worked hard we thought it would be rude not to sample some of London unique cultural atmosphere. We found a great wine bar in Covent Garden and enjoyed a couple of hours celebration.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Clean Sweep.

It has been pointed out that I have not mentioned about all the helpers that came to help clean Wesham. There was the Town Council, the Wesham Community Pride Civic Trust, the Fire Brigade, the Police, Youth Offending and loads of people from Wesham. It was a real community affair.

Sorry if I've missed anyone else.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Operation Clean Sweep - A Huge Success

Me sweeping up on Billington Street.

Me after having swept up, litter picked and weeded the car park on Garstang Road South. Tim Ashton and David Miller are just out of shot!

The flower bed outside Everest Court after we'd cleaned it.

The same flower bed before we'd cleaned it.
All the Volunteers at the start of the operation.

About 40 or 50 community Volunteers came out this Morning and cleaned up most of Wesham. It's been a huge success with tons of rubbish, litter and weeds removed. I would like to say Thank you For Fylde Borough Council for organizing it and For Wesham Town Council for letting us use the Community Centre as a base. Certain councilors from a next door town (Kirkham) were conspicuous by their absence though. But I think it was great. A real community achievement by Wesham people supported by many officers and staff from Fylde Borough Council who have given it their all this morning. Well done everyone who came out to help and thank you everyone who help organize it.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Funny blog - not for the politically correct


I've read this blog a few times before. Go to this web address, it is really funny, especially if you have a Little Britian or right of centre none politically correct sense of humour.

Remember though this is written by someone else, so speak to them if you don't like what he's saying, not me.



The work of a democrat is never done

I've been out leafletting today, in Kirkham. I am supporting the Conservative Party's effort and our new candidates in getting elected so Kirkham can be properly represented. However, the democratic process involves many leg hours, so if you'd like to help the Conservatives out and see Kirkham properly served by councillors who do, not just talk, e-mail me on

Clean Sweep and update


Don't forget opertaion clean sweep tommorrow. Starting at 10am from Wesham Community Centre. An ideal opportunity to get the streets and alleys of Wesham cleaned up, then we can see where the problems are and take action.

Roll up your sleeves and get stuck in to this community activity. You may make new friends, and have a good time, but more importantly you'll be doing something for the community you live in. Many people from other areas and from other organisations are coming along.

Protective gear will be provided. I do hope to see many of you there.

A couple of Pictures or so.

Top pic. Me looking happy.
Bottom Pic. My two boys, Josh (7) and Jake (4) on holiday.

Update on the week

On Tuesday this week I had a meeting with Fylde officers and the Art restoration lady from County Hall, we discussed in detail about our open evening. This proved very informative, especially on the possibilities to see some art restoration in progress. We have however, had to got for a new date of the 18th November. If you'd like to be on the invite list, e-mail on

Wednesday I was at the AGM of the Friends of St. Michael School. My wife was re-elected as vice-secretary. The meeting also talked about some fundraising ideas, put the finishing arrangements to the adult disco and decided on doing up the quiet garden.

Yesterday I received a report on health in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre. It made some interesting reading, and the Fylde has a higher life expectancy than nationally. However, an area we need to address is the higher rates of binge drinking in Medlar-with-Wesham. I'll bring this up at a Town Council meeting for our discussion and see how what we can do to address this.

Last night I was at the Scout BBQ. This was a great event. It always amazes me just what a great organization scouting is, and if only we could break through a barrier with some of our disengaged youths to get them involves. Just maybe we'd not have as many issues as we have.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Operation clean sweep.


The Council in partnership with other organizations has organized operation clean sweep. This is where the grot spots of Wesham will be cleaned up, namely the back alleys and side street. Everyone is welcome, protective clothing is provided and we should be able to smarten up some of the areas that we're not too proud of.

If you'd like to help go down to the community centre between 10 and 3 on Sunday 15th October (this Sunday). An event like this in Central Ward of St.Annes cleared away 23 tons of rubbish.

I'll be there and I hope to see as many people as possible there also.



Sunday, October 08, 2006

To finish the week


It is Sunday afternoon and the first weeks anniversary of this blog. I've had over 50 visits, but really to be effective I need to work this up so people in Wesham and the Fylde can be truly informed of the stuff I am doing on their behalf.

I've just finished nine holes at Ribby Hall with my eldest son, Josh, we've had a good game and I truly believe in the calming influence of golf on young boys. The discipline and etiquette of a golf course sets a good example for people to follow in life. Competitive and structured relaxation has a great effect on people and this and other sports have to be opened up to all. I have been working with officers at the council to promote and build upon the the success of golf in the Fylde and I expect to be able to announce soon some great initiatives for younger people to taste and try out golf and then for further development of their skills and enjoyment. Look out for future news.

I have also today given an interview to Radio Wave over the Town Councils campaign to keep HGV's in Wesham to an absolute minimum. Not long ago the weight limit was lifted off the Station Road bridge. This has seen many more heavy trucks going through the town on their way to Kirkham and Preston. We've had a petition, got 181 names and I've written this weekend to County Hall to explore this issue. I'll keep you all informed, or you can register your support by e-mailing

I've seen today that the Conservatives are 6% ahead of Labour in the polls, this is encouraging, but lets temper it. The only polls I truly believe in are those that happen from 7am till 10pm on election nights. If the Conservatives are 6% above Labour then we'll still have Gordon Brown as PM. If we are 12% ahead, we may see a strong David Cameron Government. The message I wish to get out here is; don't be fooled by opinion polls, if you want to change the Government, you have to get out and vote and not leave it to the people who have taken part in opinion polls.

Last Thursday was a busy day. I was at regular work in the morning. At 12 I had a meeting to look at merging two groups that work on young people issues. One is the Local Strategic Partnership young peoples group and the other is the Primary Care Trust's local implementation team. Both grand title for the same people doing the same work, so it saves money, resources and strengthens output to merge both groups into one.

Following on from that I had the Tourism Strategy event. Over 4 hours we analyzed the current tourism position in Fylde, looked at where we wanted to be, created a vision and looked at a basic action plan. We still have a lot of work to do before we can publish the strategy, but I truly believe that the way head is being mapped.

Them from 5pm I was with a prominent local man who has had many concerns with the council. We spent nearly two hours discussing some of these concerns. I don't believe for one minute we'll ever see eye to eye on all issues, but I do think we can accept these differences and have a greater appreciation of where each of is coming from.

I then had to rush for my hair cut, which looks really good, so thank you Kirsty at Icon in Kirkham.

My wife and I had our tea at the Kingfisher pub in Kirkham last night. The food was better than normal and expected and the two pints of cider were cool and refreshing. However, one thing that particularly annoyed me was the Christmas Tree, all lit up and sparkly. If this is not continued evidence of the commercialism of Christmas, I don't know what is. I pointed this out to a waitress, who shrugged her shoulders as though I was speaking a different language. In December that would be ok, acceptable and in the spirit. It's the beginning of October. So to strike a blow against the onslaught of Global Commercialism, I unplugged the lights on the way out and ran to the roundabout!

As usual, any questions, issues or comments, e-mail me at

Take care,


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Boris Johnson


Boris Johnson is the Conservative Spokesman on Education, and also a man who seems to speak his mind. Often with consequences that have a negative effect. I wish to make two points about Boris; Firstly, is it not right that we have politicians that speak their own mind and not be afraid of a media backlash? His latest comments about schools dinners may not be to everyone's taste (no pun intended) but surely he was right to make the comments if that is what he believes? The correct response to others is not to denounces him, but re argue the point that school children cannot live on sausage and chips five days a week, or turkey twizzlers. I for one do not want my children to eat such stuff, but try and provide them with meals made from local quality ingredients that encompass a range of tastes and flavours. And occasionally we even have a Happy Meal.

His other comments about the new booster seat laws have my support. I think parents know when their children are grown up enough to sit in a front seat of a car or without a booster seat in the back. There was a time when parents were parents and had responsibility over their children. Today it seems to be more and more parenting by European Dictate. I can understand about keeping your children safe in cars, but surely that is what a Mum and Dad do anyway with out the guidance of the omnipresent EU. David Cameron said, lets have more Super Nanny and less nanny state. I think he is right and I support this statement

The Second point I will make about Boris is; He may make 10 or 20 statements which are seemed to be crack pot and hair brain (and this is all about perspective and where you are standing when you view that comment metaphorically speaking) but every so often, it's bingo and a real gem of an idea comes forward.

So Boris, keep free thinking and speak your mind. You maybe wrong, you may be right, who knows. But one thing I do know is politics would be all that duller with out you.

Click on this link to read the BBC News report.

Have a good day,


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tourism - Farmers Market - Benches



I'm holding a Tourism Strategy event on Thursday to prioritise and distribute the tourism resource in Fylde for the next 5 years. Key will be playing up the part of Golf, quality hotels and the relaxing Fylde countryside. If you'd like to give me your ideas about tourism, please e-mail me at


The monthly St. Annes Farmers Market is moving location, from 5th October. Instead of Pleasure Island, it's moving to the Square in St. Annes, it is hope that more people will shop at the market and also in the town centre. It is crucial we support hard pressed farmers by buying direct from them. The Labour Government and the European Union have conspired over the last few years to make it increasingly difficult to be a British Farmer. Farmers provide a backbone to this country and have shaped the way the countryside looks and feels. They are a credit to us all and we need to support our farmers and help save Fylde Farms.


I have requested some new park benches from Fylde Borough Council. If you have a suggestion of where one can go, please e-mail me.



Sunday, October 01, 2006

Kirkham Baths - the Myth Exploded


Just another post to explode a myth being spread by the rumour mongers on Kirkham Baths. Only under one circumstance will the Conservative Council shut Kirkham Baths. I know this and can speak with authority on this as I am the Councillor responsible and accountable for the baths.

That circumstance is; when another better facility is being built (in the case of the current site) or when it is built (on a nearby location). This will only happen after extensive consultation with the public of the Fylde.

We have already carried out consultation and can say that many people wish to see an improved facility with a gym and other activities. These may not be provided on the current location, however, we don't know that until we've conducted a structural survey.

The Conservatives want to give Kirkham, Wesham and the Rural Fylde a facilities that we deserve, a leisure centre that can be a real community asset. Kirkham baths is good, but it is aged and you can only swim at it. Imagine a facility where you can use a gym, play racquet games, have a coffee and also swim. That would be something to be proud of.

If you don't agree with this, e-mail me and let me have your thoughts or post a comment. But whatever you think or say believe this, some people don't want to see Kirkham prosper, keeping Kirkham down has been their trade in votes for many years. Let's give the future a chance and listen to the plans that only a Conservative Council has been prepared to deliver.

Use this on line poll to tell me what you think:

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Arts on Display


Just a quick post. My role at the council as Cabinet Member for Culture and Tourism is to be responsible for the art collection. Fylde has a great art collection valued at over £4.5m and has one of the finest collection of Ansdell's in the country. I was aware and concerned that we don't show these works often enough.

I asked Officers at the council to hold an open evening where the works will be displayed. Councillor Fabian Wilson has assisted by writing a program. Although there is an invited audience, there will be a number of tickets for members of the public. If you'd like a ticket, please contact me.

We are hoping to set up a trust fund to help restore some of the art, again, if you'd like to become a friend of the arts and sponsor a painting, please contact me.


Hello and Welcome to

Hello and welcome to my Blog.

I aim to use this site to update people in Wesham, the Fylde and beyond on news, issues and events that are happening locally and nationally.

This is the first post.

Locally I've received a request to have the litter bins at Meadow Park emptied. This will be done.

Nationally, David Cameron will be at his first conference as leader of the Conservative Party. I wish him good luck.