Rural Fylde Conservatives

Monday, April 30, 2007

3,000 hits to date.


Just to report that this website has achieved over 3,000 this morning, which I believe is fantastic and shows how well the site is used and how widely it is read.

I'll continue to add posts as long as people continue to read the site and respond so positively.

Thanks to everyone who has every logged on.


Simon 681983

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Battle of Kirkham Square


Just so there is no mistake about the niceness of Labour I have to report this incident to you:

Just before my family and I went to Kirkham to meet my parents for some lunch in Escape, which was very nice, however before I went in I notice the Labour party had a table and were handing out leaflets. I thought it would be polite to go and say hello, introduce myself and see if one of them was the candidate for Wesham, which one was. I politely asked him what will he do for Wesham if he got elected, after a few minutes of 'thinking' time (At one point I think I had to remind him where Wesham was) he came up with the answer of 'nothing' in as much as he did not answer the question at all!

At this point his large and threatening chum, a candidate in Newton chipped in and after a diatribe about tax, which I mentioned the £25 billion a year black hole that Labour had put in pension funds which have devastated the retirement plans of hundreds of thousands of people he told me aggressively to (four letter word) off and then threatened to punch me and lay me out.

I replied that you can't bully me, I want to know what what your party is going to do for the people of Wesham, he carried on in the same vein, swearing loudly, making threatening gestures and acting with the decorum of a drunken bar room brawler from the wild west.

Not taking this lightly I told him to put up or shut up, either hit or listen. He did neither. Just packed up his box of leaflets and carried his table away, dragging behind the semi inflated balloons, that I think symbolise Labour shattered dreams.

Is this really the behaviour people expect from candidates when just asked about what they want to do if they get elected or ask to defend their Party's record. I am proud of what my party has done for Fylde and I am readily happy to explain what I've done and what I will continue to do for Wesham to any one who cares to ask.

I really do hope the people of Newton don't vote for this man, as he clearly is a man who does not like challenge and aggressively attempts to stamp his own opinion on anyone that threatens his position. Just the kind of modern, community leading, multi skilled, balanced and caring chap we need as a councillor.

The chap for Wesham, I wish him luck, I just wished he knew where Wesham was before he stood for election, coming from St. Annes it will be more than a 5 minute bike ride for him to attend to local issues raised by local people.

For more details, ring or e-mail.


Simon 681983

Dog Fouling


Dog mess is still top of peoples agenda's on the door step. I will underline this commitment. If re-elected reducing and hopefully eliminating this problem in Wesham will be the top of may agenda also. The Conservatives have policies in place and have implemented the undercover and out of hours patrolling. This is essential to combat the issue.

Target areas for dog warden patrols currently are:
Weeton Road
Market Street
Garstang Road North and South
Station Road
Mowbreck Lane
Derby Road and
Park Lane

If you have any information that could help reduce this problem, please get in touch.


Simon 681983

Results on Clean up of alleys.

These two pictures show the condition of some of the back alleys and side alleys in Wesham last week. When I was out and about yesterday (I forgot my camera in the afternoon so can't show you) I noticed that Fylde Borough Council had done as I had asked and cleaned these back and side alleys away. If your back or side alley is in a state, I'll be able to get them sorted for you. Please let me know.


Simon. 681983

Results, not words on fencing repairs

This picture show the repair to the fence that New Fylde Housing has undertaken after I asked them to. The whole was causing problems for local residents which I felt I needed to address.


Simon 681983

Results of Meetings


Following my meetings yesterday with the Community Safety Manager and the Street Scene manager I can report the following.

Prices are being obtained for the a street light to be put in at the Princess Ave and Catherine St and the Meadow Crescent and Princess Ave garage sites and for on up by the bridge on Knightsbridge Close. Depending on the price bids will be submitted and hopefully they will be successful.

The meeting with the Street Scene Manager saw him appreciate the issues of Wesham. He agreed that problem areas will be tackled and that the main streets will be number one priority to keep clean. He agreed that litter bins will be emptied and that the little sweeping machine will spend some time in Wesham over the next few weeks cleaning the gulley of the grit, debris and fag butts that have accumulated over the years.

I am convinced that we will see an improvement over the coming weeks and that I will keep on top of this ensuring that the streets are kept as clean as possible. But we all do have a part to play in this and I am sure we all do put our litter in the bin, but we do need to make sure we don't add to the problem.

If you need any further details, please get in touch.


Simon 681983

Teen Trouble Solution

I have today written to the Co-op head office to see if they are willing to buy one of these Mosquito Devices. You can get all the detail by following this link:
But basically they omit a tone that only teenagers can hear that makes it uncomfortable to hang around. They are not on permanently and adults cannot hear it. So it is an ideal solution to disburse young people hanging out around the shopping area of Wesham.
If you have any views on this, please get in touch. I'll let you know what the Co-op says.

Results, not talking on pot holes.


You can see the results of my intervention here with these pot holes being filled in by the County after I had asked for some work to be undertaken.

Today I have written again to County with some pot holes on Derby Road and Catherine Street. I hope to be able to report soon on what is happening there.



Friday, April 27, 2007


I'm sorry I've not updated since Monday, the campaign trail is long and 3 hours a night leave little time, but I am picking up so many issues to deal with and dealing with so many issues that matter to people.



The Opposition Antics


I heard yesterday from a source that an opponent or some opponents have complained to the Town Hall about me. They seem to think that telling people through this website about the things I am doing is bad and illegal? They have written to the Town Hall to say I should not have mentioned that I am meeting with Council Officers to look at the streets and the look at security lighting. It's a good job the Borough Solicitor does not agree with them, and politely told them where to go. It's also amazing that they seem to think they can get away with using council resource for election purposes. Is the term hypocrite?

Dealing with your issues is what Councillors should do and it appears from speaking to residents on the doorstep you all appreciate the Wesham Watchdog, so telling you what I'm doing is a politicians job. So really dealing and telling is being effective.

I think they may just be embarrassed about not actually doing what I've been doing. 8 years ago when I first got on the council, I dubbed the sitting Independent Councillors and the Invisible Councillors, appears that hat still fits.

So after I've met the Community Safety Manager and the Operational Service Manager for Street Scene, I will let you all know what has happened and what has been agreed.


Simon 681983

Monday, April 23, 2007

Action, not words on rail safety


I have today received a reply from Network Rail with regards to the fence at the open space on Knightsbridge Close bordering the railway line.

Although they are not going to replace the fence they are going to repair it, which I think is a result and will improve the safety of the fence.


Simon 681983

Action not words on Cleaner Streets


Following my campaign to get the streets of Wesham cleaner I am having ameeting with the Manager this week on site to fully discuss the probable hand over to Fylde and to discuss the issues of littering, fly tipping, dog fouling and graffiti.

We'll be walking round the Town so if you see us, stop us and tell us your concerns. I'll post again after the meeting to update you all.


Simon 681983

The Poster war.

You might have seen the posters going up around the town and thank you to people who have put mine up. There are more available and there is still time. If you'd like one, get in touch and I bring one round. Or I can e-mail a PDF version for you to print out.

There have been some put up by my opponents, so at last you may know who they are, but I was told one cutting comment by a resident, they said 'I've lived here over 18 years years and I never knew he was Mayor twice.'

Every poster plays a part in showing general support, so if you feel you can put one up in your window, please consider it.


Simon 681983

Action, not words on Community Safety


I've mentioned about the street lights I am trying to obtain to promote community safety and to deter anti social behaviour in the areas concerned, which are the passage and garage areas of Catherine Street to Princess Avenue and from Meadow Crescent to Princess Avenue and also on the path way to the bridge over to the Kingfisher.

To further these I am meeting with the Community Safety Manager at Fylde Borough Council to try and get his agreement that we need them. If he agrees it gives us 6 months or so before the dark nights to try and get them installed.

I have had success in the past with getting lights in the passageway from Catherine Street to Albert Street and similar from Knightsbridge Close to Market Street.

So fingers crossed.


Simon 681983

Dog Fouling Action


I said I'd keep you up to date on the dog fouling action. The wardens have reported back that they have done one under cover patrol late at night and have a series of others to do in Wesham over the coming weeks. However, they have reported that they have noticed a difference around Park Lane, Derby Road and Mowbreck Lane following the information people have provided after being asked to do so in copies of the Wesham Watchdog.

I still know there is a problem on Garstang Road South and Weeton Road, but it does seem to be a move in the right direction. I'll keep on top of this and let you know what's going on.

As always please let me know of locations and times so I can keep the Wardens informed.


Simon 681983

More action, not words on street signs

I've reported this street sign to be replaced, I've also asked for the Weeton Road one to be replaced as that has been vandalised.

Action not words on Blocked Drains

This is a drain on Garstang Road North on the pavement right outside someones house. As you can see its well blocked up. I have today contacted the County Council and they are sending a response contractor to sort it out. The problem is, that when ever it rains it floods the front Garden.
Please let me know of any other areas that need this quick response. The County have already promised my that all Wesham's drains will be sorted in 6 to 8 weeks.


Action, not words on manhole cover


As you can see, following my intervention, this man hole cover has been repaired and is now safe. The cover is on Whitworth Street, leading in to Fox's.

There is also one on Garstang Road South that is in a similar state to the one that has been repaired. I reported this last week and hope it will be done soon.

Again, action not words in Wesham.


Simon 681983

Sigthings of the Beast of Wesham


Without being sensational here, there have been sightings of a mythical beast of Wesham. It's being described as a light tan mastiff, the size of a small horse that creeps around late at night. If you know of such a dog in Wesham, or maybe it is yours, it is causing damage and concern. If you have any information, you can contact me and I'll let the dog wardens know who can return it to its owner.

I think what is actually happening is the dog knows an escape route from its home, it is look well fed and healthy and no pets or livestock has disappeared, I think we just need to make sure this escape route is blocked off as it is a big powerful dog.


Simon 681983

Garstang Road North

I met with the residents of the even side of Garstang Road North yesterday to look at them joining forces to tackle to problem of their back alley and the pot holes. The problem is well known to Wesham, the Fylde and in fact the country. Unadopted back alleys that are owned by the householder.
What I suggested, as a pilot, so maybe to be looked at elsewhere is, they club together to pay for the repairs with the council acting as project manager. I've asked the Chief Executive of Fylde Borough to look into this for me and he's going to get some actually prices together for filling the holes in with stones, or with tarmac of having tarmac laid over the whole alley. The cost to be divided equally between the residents, with maybe a chip in from the Community Project Fund?
If this is successful here there are other area in Wesham that could benefit from this collaboration. I'll keep you all posted on developments.
I would also like to thank all the many residents that took time to come and listen. I'll have hopefully got the back alley cleaned up by now as well.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

What's politics got to do with it?


Some people have questioned the need for politics in local government and some people have made the assumption that politics cannot allow a councillor to serve his community. Well they are wrong.

Not once in 8 years have I been forced to vote along a party line or have neglected Wesham in favour of political dogma. I can't understand where this easy untruth comes from. Do the opposition really think that David Cameron rings up Fylde Conservatives every week and say, 'Listen chaps, put up tax this week, and stop recycling' and we all do it?

Being part of a group gives me and therefore you strength. Being part of a party gives me depth and experience of belonging to an organisation with 12,000 councillors across the country. Being a Conservative Councillor allows me to know that when I really need to win a vote, or make a point, I have at present 25 other councillors behind me. That means Wesham wins as a result of carrying the vote for what is right and for me being in a party. This is democracy, the majority gets its way!

This strength and this group belonging is great for all concerned and it still allows me to pursue what is right for Wesham and what is right for the Fylde, I just know that I have 25 other bayonets behind me when I go over the top on a issue for Wesham.

I still speak and act like a free councillor I am never bound or gagged. I've never been whipped and I've never had to vote against my wishes on any subject. The arguments are won and lost after a full and frank debate in the group meetings we hold, where everyone has a say and everyone has a vote. I call this good political management showing strong leadership and direction.

51 Councillors sitting in a room will never agree on anything if they all have a say and no one show directiona and not one of them knows where the council is to go. The party system works in every council in every land in the world, even if it's not declared that they operate as a party.

So sorry, Independents, your arguments do not stand up to scrutiny.


Simon. 681983

Action on Catherine Street's Sign


The picture is of the new Catherine Street Sign. I've also reported the pot hole at the top of Catherine Street to the County Council who I am sure will attend to this in good time.



Recycling Idea.

While out leafleting today, one resident came up with a great idea. The idea is to have can crushers and plastic bag recycling units at the councils current recycling points. I think this is a tremendous idea and one worthy of investigation and implementation.

I have written to the councils waste officers asking if this is a possibility. If it is I'll be sure to let you all know.



Catherine Street, Mark Two

As if by magic, I've found out that this street sign was actually sorted out last yesterday afternoon.



Being a councillor

Do some people stand for election just to add something else onto the list of what they do and seem just too busy to do anyway. If you wear to many hats you just really become a hat stand and not a councillor!

I'm not one of those. I am only a councillor and I only do the things and spend my time on the issues and items that will benefit Wesham and the Fylde the most. I only have two things on my list: - Wesham's Councillor on Fylde Borough Council and a Councillor on Wesham Town Council. This way I serve you and the Fylde by concentrating on the stuff that needs doing.

I am also not a councillor to supplement my pension, or fill in free time. I do it as I want to serve, make a difference and help the people in Wesham and the Fylde. It's as simple as that.

And finally, I try to make a difference in my leaflets about what people achieve collectively, ie as a Town Council, and what I achieve individually, like getting the pot holes sorted, the street signs replaced, the mobile stake park investigated, working with the Youth Council to deliver provision and sorting out the litter and dog dirt that blights the streets.



Catherine Street


I've had a few calls about the missing street signs on Catherine Street. I am looking in to this with a view of getting them replaced ASAP. This has caused a real problem for one resindet as hospital transport were unable to locate his street. This is not acceptable and I will make sure these signs get replaced soonest.


Simon 681983

Mini Roundabout Station Road


You may have noticed a slight pot hole in the mini round about outside the chip shop. I have today written to Lancashire County Council asking them to fix it and smarten the round about up.



Action, not words on traffic islands

Good morning,

Some of you may have been slightly inconvenienced yesterday by a traffic management system on Station Road. I am sorry if this was the case. However, the essiential work was carried out following my request to Lancashire County Council to repair the traffic bollards and lighting beacon. I am glad this has now been done as it increases traffic safety and makes the road look better.


Simon 681983

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wesham - The Big Issues


I've been canvassing now for three weeks and have received much feed back, it appears that the issues I've been fighting and campaigning on seems to be very much in tune with residents. The state of the streets, dog fouling, pot holes, young peoples facilities, parking, trade and business, keeping the baths open in Kirkham, safety lighting and the like.

A person may say that the stuff I get done is what anyone can do, but no ones does, so let me start and then we can get better and build up stronger and see continued improvement in Wesham. However, as I believe in action and not words, I'll get the stuff done anyway.

I am also very happy with the number of people that say that Wesham is a great place to live, it's quiet and peaceful and when you buy a house here you stay, it's that good.

However, if I am missing any of the issues you care about, please e-mail me, it's not so much as I've missed it or have no opinion or solution on it, but more the case that it's not cropped up in discussions with the many residents I've spoken to over the last few weeks, months and years.

I am always open to e-mails and phone calls from genuine residents and concerns, comments or questions.


Simon 681983

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Action, not words on Water Leak


I've had word from Lancashire County Council that they are hoping to start the work on the Water Leak on Garstang Road South next week.

I'll keep an eye on this and make sure the time table is adhered to.


Simon. 681983

The opposition Issues


If the Independents campaign on the same tack in Wesham as they are in Kirkham the issues they will be raising will be:

The Conservatives will close the baths.

This is not true and the opposite is true. We are investing in the baths with a view of building a gym. We have also committed to a maintenance schedule that should have been committed to during the decade of neglect when they controlled the council.

Car Parking Charges.

The Conservatives will keep Kirkham's car parks free and maintained. Despite the untruth told by vested financial interest people.

The Cabinet System.

It is nonsense to say that the cabinet system is undemocratic. This Country has been under a cabinet system for century's. Just as a bad work man blames his tools, a bad councillor blames the cabinet system. With a bad work man you get a bad job, with a bad councillor you get bad councils. Fylde was bad when they controlled the council, we are not now.

My Issues.

I'm campaigning on the issues that matter, community safety, littering and street cleaning, facilities for the young, dog fouling. And I am not only campaigning, but coming up with solutions and delivering actions.


Simon 681983


It hardly seems no time since I was reporting that this site had had 2,000 hits. It's now so close to 2,500, I can't really believe it. Thank you all for visiting and for all your e-mails and phone calls that have come from visiting this site.

I'll continue to update it as long as you all continue to visit it.



Action, not words on Railway Safety

I've written in the past about the boundary fence from the public open space on Knightsbride Close and the railway line. The fence is old, rusted and decaying and offers no protection against people access or even stumbling on to the railway line, especially kids.

I got an e-mail from Network Rail over the weekend asking for more details and that they'd look in to and investigate my concerns. I spent some more time on Sunday taking pictures all along the fence. I have e-mailed these pictures off to Network Rail and await there response.


Simon 681983


If you'd like to show your support for me, Wesham's 'action, not words' councillor I'd be happy to drop one round. Having a poster in your window has two benefits, firstly it shows people in the Town my level of support and secondly it show me the level of support I have in the Town and acts as a real boost to my campaign.

The posters are A4 size.


Simon. 681983


It's been really good speaking to so many residents in the last two or three weeks while out canvassing. It's slow progress, but I do hope to get round and see you all. Some of the issue on the door step tie in perfectly with what I've been doing over the last few month and years, like working to reduce dog fouling and littering, planning on young peoples facilities and working on community safety.

I would love to continue tio be your councillor and to carry on working for you, but I need your support to do that and I am asking for that support inthe shape of one vote on 3rd May.

You do have two votes, but to ensure that I am elected and continuing to work for you in the vain that I have, please vote just for me, Simon Renwick.

Thank you,

Simon 681983

Action, not words on Street lighting


Following another request for streets lighting, I have today asked the community safety partnership to look at putting one in between Princess Street and Catherine Street. I'll let you know the answer.


Simon 681983.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Action, not words of bus stops

This is a picture of the graffiti on the bus stops by the train station. I have today asked for this to be cleaned up and made right.


Simon 681983

Sunday Cysle Surgery

I've had another successful Sunday Cycle Surgery, the weather has been great this weekend and both my family and I enjoyed the ride out. I had two visits today and am looking forward to next weeks outing. If you have an issue, please get in touch.

Simon, 681983

Action, not words on littering


I took some pictures of the condition of the streets around Garstang Road South yesterday and have today e-mailed them to the Council.


Simon. 681983

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Conservative Manifesto


I mentioned recently about the Conservative Manifesto for the elections on 3rd of May. I can now let you know what the 5 pledges are.

  1. The review Parkwise as the councils parking enforcement provider, with a view of bringing the enforcement under the control of the Council with a yellow card system and a councillor appeal panel.
  2. A planning policy that will enable green environmentally friendly starter homes to be built for Fylde families.
  3. The purchase of a rapid deploy CCTV camera van to concentrate on the Council's priorities, like fly tipping, litter and dog fouling, not just anti social behaviour.
  4. To make Fylde a National and International tourist destination building upon the success of the Fylde Golf Coast project and to also make Fylde a venue for large events of repute.
  5. To launch a countryside ranger service to promote environmental education, guided nature walks and countryside protection.

If you wish to discuss further about these five pledges, please get in touch.


Simon or 681983

The Lies are flying already


I've had sight of the an opposition leaflet in Kirkham. I quote "This is the BIG ISSUE if the ruling party gets back in they Will close the baths." As a senior member of the ruling party, this is news to me. I don't know how many times I have to say this, the baths will stay open under the Conservatives. End of story, no debate, they will be open as long as the public demand it. The cabinet has voted to keep the baths open and the Conservative group to a man (and woman) has agreed the baths stay open.

Nothing can be clearer than that. However, it seems that in Kirkham some party's can only get votes by scaring people into voting for them.

If you need any further clarification, please call or e-mail.


Simon. 681983.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Park Lane - Road Condtion.


While dropping leaflets around Park Lane yesterday I noticed the condition of the pavements and roads were not so good, with cracks and pot holes. I've taken some pictures and I have been in contact with the County about the issue. Once I have a reply I'll let you know what the their answer is, but I won't accept anything that does not see an improvement in the condition.



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Skateboard Trial

The trial of the mobile skateboard parkk happened today. about 60 skaters enjoyed the sun and practiced their skills. I went down to watch and took a picture or two. As you can see the park is well made and has different things to do.

I am now a step closer in buying one of these parks for the council to use around the rural area of the borough.

For further details please call.

What is making the Independents so scared


I received a letter this morning from the Standards Board Of England, saying that a certain Councillor in Kirkham was upset with me and complained about a number of things I've said. These include, pointing out to people that she voted to close Warton Library, that I dared to help write and delivery a leaflet is Kirkham saying how she's neglected her councillor duties and that I've also made comments that when she was in charge of the Environmental Committee the housing section was run so bad that the Government intervened a ran the service for a while.

All these statements are a matter of public record, so why is she being so childish and telling tales to teacher? Why is a Kirkham Councillor so scared that she'll stoop to any level to see me go? And does this not go to show that the Independents may not be that Independent after all, may they all take their lead from a certain lady councillor from Kirkham?

The good news is the complaint has been thrown out by the board as groundless and basically have told the Councillor to grown up and if you're in the, expect to sometime get burnt and to sometime be told that the food you're serving is not what's wanted. (there's a metaphor in there somewhere!)

As usually any comments or if you'd like further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Simon 681983


Thank you to the volunteers who have offered their help with the election. There is still plenty to do and plenty of time to help. If you'd like to see me re-elected, I need your help. I stand for action, not words in Wesham.


Simon 681983

Action, not words on Street Lights

I have today written to the Community Safety Partnership to see about getting a new street light installed on or around the path and bridge over the railway at Knightsbridge Close going to the Kingfisher Pub. I'm hoping this will be actioned and we can see a new light installed.



Monday, April 09, 2007

Action, not words on Graffiti

Graffiti is a blight to us all, I've recently reported this piece and am keen to get more action on removing graffiti from around Wesham. Let me know if you know where any graffiti is around Wesham and I'll work to get it cleaned up.

A great idea on dog fouling.


I've just received an e-mail from a local resident regarding dog fouling and I believe it's a great idea. Although it's not a solution in itself it does have a number of interesting affects.

The idea is to re-designed the current dog fouling signs to include pictures (in the style of a wanted poster) drawn by local school children in the Fylde. It could be a competition with three or four designs chosen. The competition in itself will generate awareness and educate the next generation of dog owners to pick up, it will also allow the children to act as moral pressure to adults who don't pick up and it will create a brighter more visible reminder to dog owners.

I'm asking Fylde's Council Staff and the Cabinet Member, Tim Ashton, to look at the serious implementation of this project.



Action, not words on another pot hole


This man hole cover is in really poor shape, it seems to be danger of collapse. I've highlighted this to the relevant officer at the County Council and await his response in dealing with this problem.



Sunday, April 08, 2007

Action, not words on water leak


You may not be able to see too clearly in this picture but there is actually water spurting from the road here. I've written to various people to try and get to the bottom of this with aview of fixing the leak and drying up the road.



Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's a Monday Cycle this week.

As it's Easter Sunday, I'll be riding out for my surgery on Monday this week. If you'd like me to pop round just get in touch.


Simon 681983

Friday, April 06, 2007

Action, not words - Derby Road Drain


More action not words in Wesham. This broken drain that was allowing the area where Derby Road joins Station Road to flood will be repaired next week. As you can see from the picture it was allowing to much debris into the drain and block up.



Thursday, April 05, 2007

Action, Not Words on noise.


Following my intervention, the Weeton Road Developers have agreed with the council not to start work until 09:30 on a Sunday. Starting the diggers at 08:00 was waking people up on a Sunday which is unacceptable.

More action not words.


Simon 681983

Do you know what you get with an Independent?

Why can't Independents just say what they are and stand under true colours? Are they Labour, Liberal Democrats, Communist, Green, BNP, Conservative, UKIP or Natural Law Party? I don't know and they could be any of those party. Independent lack a crucial trait. That trait is courage. If they believe they are right, why not have the courage of their convictions and stand for a party that matches their political feelings instead of hiding behind a cloak.

When they say they are free to act as they wish for the benefit of their towns and villagers, ask them like when. Were two Newton Councillors free to vote in favour of the budget that saw £18,000 given to them for a new park. The answer is NO, they followed the direction of a certain lady councillor from Kirkham who whipped all opposition parties at Fylde, those being most Independents, both Liberal Democrats and the rump of the once mighty Fylde Ratepayers into opposing the soundest budget in years.

They wanted to deprive the local young people of the Fylde out of £103,000 investment, they wanted to scrap the community project fund that paid for Wesham Station Bridge to be painted and will hopefully support the Wesham Town Clock and they voted against the War Dead of Lytham. Actions speak louder than words and they were so proud of what they did they asked for their votes to be recorded in history as voting under the direction of a group whip dictated from on high by the Queen of Kirkham!

Conservatives - serving coast and countryside in Fylde. Independents self serving against Fylde.

Fleetwood Road Hedges


Folloiwng a request from a resident during canvassing last night I have today written to the County to see about getting the hedges cut on Fleetwood Road, on the way to the motor way. These hedges are so over grown that it's difficult for pedestrians to walk along.


Simon. 681983

Market Street Pot Holes


More action, not words. The Pot Holes in Market Street should be filled in later next week following my request to the county to get them sorted. The road surface on Billington Street East, Porter Street and Derby Road where they join Station Road is sue for resurfacing and patching up following completion of the Hospital Site Development. Since this is s good couple of years away I think I need to put some more pressure on to get these sorted sooner.



Noisy Developers.


I've today written to the Council to see if we can stop the Weeton Road developers starting so early on a Sunday morning. I feel it is unacceptable for residents to be woken so early by diggers and machines. I'll let you know what happens. More action, not words in Fylde.


Simon. 681983

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Campaign Launch


The candidates have been announced for the coming elections for Fylde Borough Council on 3rd May 2007. There is myself standing as a Conservative, 2 Independents and a Labour Candidate.

I am today launching my campaign, seeking re-election for a third term to represent Medlar-with-Wesham on Fylde Borough Council.

My slogan for the campaign will be ACTION, NOT WORDS IN WESHAM, as I am want to campaign and achieve results by action. Action only happens when a councillor does something, either speaking, writing or leading by example. Attending endless meetings and talking endlessly achieves nothing.

I am hoping that my track record speaks for itself, but I will over the next few days and weeks be pointing out the action I've achieved for Wesham.

The Conservatives are also launching the Borough Campaign, with the slogan SERVING COAST AND COUNTRYSIDE IN FYLDE. We have a manifesto which will be announced shortly.

I also have a Manifesto for Wesham and I will talk about that over the next few days.

If you would like to help my re-election campaign, contribute to ideas for the manifesto or talk to me about any issue, please do not hesitate to get in touch by phone, e-mail or text.

Over the last 8 years I have worked tirelessly for you, representing your issues and concerns in Council. Getting action to try and make Wesham Cleaner and a better place and by giving you every opportunity to let me know what your thoughts are putting out on average 4 newsletters a year, every year for 8 years.

I strongly believe in action, not words and if you re-elect my I'll guarantee you a further 4 years of action, not words.


Simon 681983 or 07837 361258

Action, not words.


After some debate at the Town Council last night it was decided, on my instigation that some work needs to be done on the trees at Meadow Park. A quote is being obtained to prune them and they with luck and a fair wind we should see this happening shortly.



CCTV Camera

I am finding out today if Wesham's CCTV camera in the centre of the Town can be used to prosecute dog fouling and litter dropping. I think that there shoul dbe a body of work done to review the footage each day and use it to determine when littering and dog fouling is happening and by whom.

I'll let you know how this is going.



Fylde Council show's why it should clean the streets


Due to some bizarre technicality and some water muddying, The Town Council, last night agree to delay handing back the street cleaning to Fylde. I argued and debated for about an hour on this, but the water was well and truly muddied by someone wanting to make this an election issue (as if keeping Wesham's streets dirty is a vote winner).

However, yesterday, like the Cavalary coming to save the besieged settlers from the Indians, Fylde Borough rode into the fray and swept for the first time in, how long, Park Lane and Carr Drive with associated cul-de-sacs. This is a quote from an e-mail received from a resident of Kent's Close "I remember a line from an old film that went "hallelujah - great day in the morning" - and I felt a bit like that this morning because around eleven am there was the Fylde street cleaning machine going round the little circle here, not once...but twice!!!"

The message is clear, Fylde Borough will keep the streets clean, it's the law and I will use every ounce of energy I have to achieve that out come for Wesham.

For further details and the battle that lies ahead, please get in touch.


Simon 681983

Expression of regret

I mentioned this before, but I have been asked to mentionagain due to hurt feelings. Mr. Tucker, I am sorry if you thought I implied you did not work hard for the Town Council, in keeping Wesham's streets clean.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kirkham Campaign Web Site Launched

The Kirkham Conservative Candidates have launched their own web site. If you want to have a look the address is:



Carr Drive and Park Lane


I've been told today that the road sweeping truck has been down Park Lane and Carr Drive and the associated cul-de-sac. When Fylde take over the contract it is envisaged that this will be happening every other week across all streets. On top of that all litter bins will be emptied daily and the main streets will be manually and mechanically cleaned daily.

For further details, please get in touch.


Simon. 681983

Dead Cat!


A councillors jobs is never glamorious. Today I've had deal with a dead cat that was reported behind some houses on Belgrave Avenue in the field on Mowbreck Lane. The remains have now been removed by the Council. So what ever your issue or concern, just get in touch and I really can help you and if I can't help you I'll try my best anyway.


Simon 681983

Monday, April 02, 2007

Catherine Street Scrap Land

I am today writing to the Wesham Civic Pride Trust (the Britain in bloom committee) seeing if they would be willing to adopted the piece of scrap land at the bottom of Catherine Street to plant up and maintain. The land is in unsure ownership but is not maintained and looks a mess. A few plants or shrubs would make the world of difference.

I'll report back and let you know what they say.


Simon 681983

Promise on Drain Cleaning

As reported last week I've written to the County Council about the condition of the rainwater drains in Wesham. I have today received a reply say that the drains of Wesham should be emptied and cleaned in 6 to 8 weeks. I'll keep an eye on this and make sure it happens within the time scales advised.


Simon 681983

Knightsbridge Close Railway Fence

I've today written to Network Rail about getting the Knightsbridge Close Open Space fence that separates the playing area with the railway line to be strengthened as it is rather poor at the moment. I don't think the pictures show the true weariness of the fence. But it's poor. I'll work on it to get it sorted.


Simon 681983

Iran and Blair - Who's the biggest disgrace

Being known for not mincing my words has a benefit, it means when a hostile country commits and act of aggression on Britain, you can say what you think. The kidnapping of 15 Sailors and Royal Marines by Iran is not just disgraceful, it is provocative and most likely an act of war! I'm no war monger and I've no desire to see British Forces committed to another war, but we must do something more to get our troops back from Iran.

I think this situation shows that Blair is a lame duck, with the world waiting for him to go, that Margaret Becket as Foreign Secretary is a caravaning disgrace (I've nothing against caravan, it's just you don't expect the third most important person on the Government to use one!) and Britain's international standing plummeting. 25 years ago another Country thought it could mess with this, however we had a different leader back then.

Now we have a Government that is all mouth and no trousers allowing British men and women to get into harms way with no way of protecting them. Maybe 15 years ago we could have sent a few cruise missles or an air strike and the service men would have been released. What does Blair do? Wait for strong word from George Bush and hopes that the European Union can do something.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Park Lane and Carr Drive

I've asked for the road sweeping vehicle to clean down Park Lane and Carr Drive and down all the cul-de-sacs off those two streets.


Simon 681983

Press release on the Budget

Brown’s budget is a ‘tax con’ on families and small firms in the Fylde
Councillor Simon Renwick offers his analysis of Government’s tax and spending plans

Councillor Simon Renwick, Conservative Cabinet Member at Fylde Council delivered his verdict on Gordon Brown’s Budget which sets out the Government’s plans for taxes and public spending:

· Independent experts have calculated that 3.5 million families will be worse off as a result of the Budget. The headline-grabbing move to cut the basic rate by 2 pence is offset by the abolition of the 10p income tax rate and an increase in National Insurance contributions for many.
· A single person without children earning £16,000, like an NHS maternity care assistant or a police community support officer, will pay more in tax, and not gain from tax credits.
· The Government is considering introducing a raft of new town hall taxes, including bin taxes to collect household rubbish, higher council tax bands, regular council tax revaluations and pressuring pensioners to sign away their homes in return for deferring their council tax bills – a ‘death tax’ in all but name.
· The Budget has hit small businesses. Gordon Brown is raising the tax rate and increasing complex allowances for small firms.
· The NHS was mentioned just once in Gordon Brown’s speech and there was nothing proposed to tackle the £1.3 billion financial crisis in the NHS, with nurses being sacked and operations delayed.
· The Budget fails to increase stamp duty thresholds in line with house price inflation, increasing stamp duty by stealth. The average first time buyer is paying over £1,500 in stamp duty, and more and more homes are being pushed into the punishing 3 per cent band (£7,500 tax on a £250,000 home).

Coun Renwick said:
“Gordon Brown’s last Budget is a tax con not a tax cut. He gave with one hand and took back with another. Three and a half million families will be worse off.

“In his stealthiest taxes yet, he has paid for his 2p cut in income tax by abolishing the 10p rate, hitting low income earners like junior nurses, and putting National Insurance up for professionals like doctors. There is nothing to tackle the crisis in the NHS.

“Worse, Gordon Brown’s town hall tax report has dropped a tax bombshell on working families and pensioners across the country – calling for regular council tax revaluation, higher bands, a new bin tax and a new death tax on the elderly. Higher taxes are on the way - engineered by Labour Ministers in Whitehall - without any improvements in local services.”