Rural Fylde Conservatives

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Southport Air Show

Yesterday I attended the Southport Air show and was impressed by the scale and organisation of such an event. Thousands of people from all around thew country to see the show. This is the kind of big event that I'd like Fylde to host, something that puts the borough and the constituent parts of the borough on the national and international map.

I appreciate that events like this takes months and even years to plan and that nothing can happen over night, but I will be putting the officers in the relevant departments on notice that we're on the look at for big events.




Thursday, September 20, 2007

Extra Street Lights


I've mentioned this in the past, and have been hoping to have had some more news before now. However, the bids are currently being prepared for additional street lighting. I'm working with the Local Police man to put bids together for three lights. Those being in both sets of garages around Princess Avenue and one near the bridge over to the Kingfisher.

I'll keep you informed on how these are going.



Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cabinet Minutes


To view the minutes of last weeks Fylde Cabinet Meeting click on this link.



Lib Dem Tax Hikes - Press Release.

Below is a press release I am sending out about the latest hair brain taxing scheme of the party due to be in perpetual opposition - the Liberal Democrats, who consist of only 2 councillor in Fylde despite their biggest effort in years to win seats!

Concern raised over threat of new house price tax on family homes
Liberal Democrats give Gordon Brown the green light for Euro-style property taxes
Councillor Simon Renwick, Cabinet Member Fylde Borough Council expressed concern this week at the small print of the Liberal Democrats’ new tax plans, which back a move to European-style house price taxes. Conservatives are warning that this could give Gordon Brown the green light to extend the new house price tax recently introduced in Northern Ireland to mainland Britain.
· Calls for 1% house price tax: The detail of Sir Menzies Campbell’s official tax plans pledges a "long-term commitment to a system of land value taxation" on domestic properties. It talks up the Danish system of a "national 1 per cent property tax" and regular revaluations. It admits that their policy of local income tax and "removing the direct taxation of property at all" is not sustainable, and therefore "taxation of property should be retained" via a "better mechanism".
· Labour Ministers back the tax: Such a house price tax system has already been introduced in the United Kingdom by Labour Ministers. Since April 2007, all homes in Northern Ireland are charged a 0.63% tax on the value of the home each year (local taxes in Ulster are lower than on the mainland), combined with intrusive rights of state inspectors to enter people’s homes. Liberal Democrats’ backing for land taxes gives a signal to Gordon Brown to introduce the taxes in England. A 1% house price tax was also recommended by the Lib-Lab Scottish Executive’s report on town hall taxes last year.
· Higher taxes in the Fylde: A new 1% house price tax would mean a yearly tax bill of £2,133 on an average home in England, and £1,956 for the Fylde.
Coun Renwick commented:
"Liberal Democrats have already said they want to hammer families with punishing taxes. Now the small print of their tax plans reveals they want to impose new house price taxes. This could mean typical bills of £1,956 a year on families in the Fylde with regular revaluations to increase it further.
"Labour Ministers have already introduced such a tax in Northern Ireland to tap into the recent rise in property values. Families and pensioners who saved and improved their homes face soaring tax bills, without any improvements in their local services. Just because house prices have risen doesn’t mean that local residents can afford higher local taxes.
"At a time when the housing market is so bruised, it is alarming that Liberal Democrats are now giving Gordon Brown the green light to impose a new house price tax on the Fylde. Conservatives are now the only party pledging to stop these new taxes."

New Allotments

Following a Cabinet Meeting at Fylde Council it was agreed that the land behind Morland Avenue would be offered to the Town Council as more allotments.

This is good news on two fronts. Firstly in as much as I'd argued at a Conservative Group meeting that this land should be used for allotments against some strong arguments to sell it for housing. My argument that Wesham's Full held out and it is going to allotments.

And secondly we have a large waiting list for people to hold an allotment as they are becoming more popular. So with these additional plots all people on the waiting list should be accommodated.



Bogus Official Warning


There have been reports of a bogus official claiming to be from the council coming to paint rooms for £6 a room. Be warned, the council has no work man that paint rooms. The Council owns no houses so just say no thanks, close the door and call the police on the local number to report this.

Only call 999 if you feel threatened or the caller wont go away.

Please tell as many people as possible about this.



New Bins


I've asked today to see if we can get 3 new litter bins in Wesham. One each by the bus stops on Fleetwood Road and one outside the Royal Oak.



Cleaner Streets?

It's been about three months since Fylde started cleaning Wesham's streets and I'd like to know what you think about the service. I feel that by and large the streets, especially around the middle, but also noteable on the residential streets that the standard is getting better.

I've asked for additional areas to get some special attention. Around the traffic islands on Station Road in particular.

Let me know your thoughts and where appropriate areas that need extra attention.



Water Leak

At long last and after about 30 e-mails to a poor guy at County Hall, United Utilities have finally fix the water leak on Garstang Road South out side the Good Fortune House. I thought local government worked slowly, but it appears that massive public limited companies like the country's premier untility provide work even slower!

New Bench

I've managed to secured another new bench from Fylde Borough Council for Wesham. I'd like some ideas where it could be situated. It won't be place probably until the new year. So we have time to think.

If you have any ideas, just e-mail me on



Police Success

It was good to hear at last nights Town Council that due to information gained from the community to the local police has resulted in a gentlemen being arrested for trading in pirate goods. I think that this demonstrates the good will and trust that there is between the Wesham community and those who serve to protest it.



First Fylde Beer Festival

Last weekend saw the first Fylde Beer Festival. It was a huge success enjoyed by all who went. On offer were 62 different real ales, ciders and perries. I attended to help launch the event in an official capacity and after work went in a personal capacity. I'm sure I did not manage to sample all 62, but I had a good stab at it.
Seriously though, it was a really successful event, bring people in to the Fylde from though out the country. The pubs in Lytham benefited during half time and afterwards and everyone had a good time.
In fact it was so successful, the beer ran out at tea time on Saturday.
We've already booked it in for next and hope to build on the success with 100 different beers. All I have left to say is abig thank you to the Fylde CAMRA team and to Alan Royston, the council officer who gave up his free time to help arrange the event.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Dragon Boat Race


The Council team came sixth out of 16 this year, which is an improvement on last year by two places. Next year we are determined to get through to the semi finals and win the competition.

The picture shows me after the first race a little bit wet.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Free Swim Success

With the end of the school holidays comes the end of the free swims for under 16s at Kirkham Baths. This has been a fantastic success with over 2000 children in the Fylde taking up the offer to swim for free.

422 Children from Wesham used the pool for free, I think this is brilliant news for the future of the pool and for the children that went swimming for free. And just to think this whole scheme was jeopardized by a small number of councillors, many from areas where the scheme attracted children from, conspired to throw a spanner in the works of this offer by insisting that we offer a bus to the more remote areas of the borough to help the few rather than this scheme that helped the many.

Wesham's other Councillor was one, if she had her way, 422 children would have missed out as the bus never stopped in Wesham. How short sighted. Hang on, maybe this is the Independent councillors playing politics with people, something they've vowed never to do. People before politics was their election slogan.

Is it any coincidence that the leader of the Independent Political Party's own seat is one of the areas effected by the possible bus stoppage? The bus on the five weeks it ran picked up numbers of children as follows, 16, 16, 12, 11 and then 12. Well really, I find it amazing that some councillors will over look their own area, just to support the political ambitions of their political leader! Shame on them!

I can say now that I'll make sure that the free swim scheme runs again next year and with successful figures like that, why stop at summer holidays? Anything to get young people active and healthy.

For further details give me a ring.



Saturday, September 01, 2007

In the press


For people who get the Lytham St Annes Express it seems that I appear to be the most hated man in Fylde, with letters every week slating me for the decisions I take on behalf of the council and the schemes I seem to support.

Upper most is Lowther Charging and the Les Dawson Statue!

I think I've made the case several time for why Lowther Gardens has to charge and start contributing to the massive £134,000 it costs all tax payers in Fylde, including all people in Wesham and Rural Fylde, many of who don't use the gardens.

The other angle people use to attack the decision is the Covenant that talks about free use of the park. That argument is a double edged sword, in as much as if we followed the letter of the Covenant, we'd not have the Pavilion, bird Avery, tennis courts, play park, bowling greens, or the games huts, as the Covenants demand that the park is left unbuilt on. The other point is we're not charging people to use the park, just those who chose to drive and park their cars at the park.

Other people talk about the petition that was handed in with 2,000 plus names on it. When you inspect the petition the statement at the top is 'Stop the Charges' well I'd sign that it so vague, there is no counter argument, no justification, in fact it is pretty meaningless. And then we get on to the names that have signed it. About half live outside the borough, so pay neither through parking charges or the Council Tax for the gardens.

So 1,000 Fylde residents sign a petition, that just leave the 75,000 Fylde Residents who did not sign it. Who should we put the greater weight with????

Les Dawson seems to be getting several people hot under the collar. At this stage it is important to say two things. No Tax Payers money will be used to build the statue and secondly Fylde Borough Council will offer the same level of support to any organisation that can assure us of raising enough money for any statue of a famous local person (within reason).

The fact that some people don't like Les Dawson is no reason to not build a statue, I'm sure there are 60 million French people who don't like Wellington or Nelson, but it was no reason not to build a statue of them!

Then some people say that Les was not local. Well he made a decision to move here, which in my book makes him as local as those who had the fortune to have been born here. He laid down his roots and bought a house and started a family here, what more is there to do to make you local? We're not Royston Vasey.

The kind of petty and snobbish view that you have to have several generations of family before you can call yourself Fylde is as outdated as burning witches. I was not born in Fylde and I'd challenge anyone to argue I don't care passionately about this part of England and not be able to call myself local.

However, as always I'd like to here your views on both these subjects. Please e-mail



Fylde Real Ale Festival


On Friday the 14th September sees the first Fylde Real Ale Festival at Lowther Pavilion. It costs £2 to enter and there are 60 different ales to sample.

I'm really pleased that Fylde Council is holding this event, it is another new use for the Pavilion and will be an interesting draw to Fylde from people outside the borough.

To check out more details just follow this link.



Dragon Boat Race

Tomorrow (Sunday 2nd) is the annual Dragon Boat Race at Fiarhaven Lake. This is a fantastic day out and if it is anything like last year will be much fun. I'm rowing again for the Fylde Council Team with 20 others (from staff and councillors) including the Leader of the Council John Coombes and the Chief Executive, Phil Woodward.

Last year we came 7th or 8th out of 16 teams. This year we have a target of bettering that.

Although the day is fun, there is a serious side and it raise a lot of money for charity, if you feel like a change, come down and watch and enjoy the facilities that the lake has to offer.

Also, on this weekend is the Continental market in St Annes Square, there are around 40 stores selling some unusual and Continental stuff.


Simon - 682582

5000 hits

This website has now had 5000 plus hits since October last year, and in one months time will be celebrating it's first birthday.

I'm really happy with the popularity of the site and aim to keep it as topical and a fully updated commentary of my feelings, thoughts and work for you as a Fylde Borough Councillor.



I've been on holiday


I'm sorry I've not posted on here for a good couple of weeks, but I've been on holiday in Spain, and previous to that i'd been busy with other none council stuff, as in August the council tends to shut down on the political stuff. But I'm back to normal now and intend to fully update the website as normal.

As alway if you have any problems, questions or issues, please get in touch by e-mailing

