They say the best form of flattery is
imitation, well it certainly is in
Wesham. No sooner do I mention something on this site or in my newsletter then we have others saying 'we've been talking about it for ages and were going to do it all along any way'.
We I just don't believe it. Operation Clean Sweep was talked about on this site on 14
th March, yet this very day, nearly two weeks later, an opponent suddenly remembers that he's been doing it already and posts something of a similar nature.
I'm all for working together for the benefit of the Town, but what I am not for is others jumping on already moving ideas and then passing them off as their own. It's not good and it's cheap opportunistic politics. You know when the independents are in town at
Wesham, you can see all the Bandwagon parked in the car park!
We'll just see this evening at the Town Council what comes up, you can rest assured the plans will not be anywhere as advanced as claimed!
Simon 682582