Rural Fylde Conservatives

Monday, March 31, 2008

Dog Bin

While out in Wesham last night I saw this dog bin and was totally appalled. Needles to say I've reported it and have asked for it to be emptied first thing this morning.

If you ever see a bin like this, please get in touch as I can normally get them action within the day.

For ease of access you can text me on 07515 128 075, email or phone on 682582.



Work required

These pictures taken this weekend show the condition of some of Wesham's open spaces. Although, to be fair, the season's only just started, they do look like they need some attention. However, it appears that one Town Councillor, who will be nameless, is embarrassed about me pointing this out. Rather than using his good offices to sort this out, he's sneakily having a go at me for actually pointing out the areas.
I won't be side tracked by more opposition dirty tricks, I've contacted the people who can sort this out and have got them to agree that works needs carrying out.
I've spoken to the litter department and they are investigating with a view of litter picking and I've contacted New Fylde Housing who will attend to the shrubs areas that they are responsible for. That's up front honest action rather than back biting and negative politics.
I'd be interested to know what local residents want, action or nasty words?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Grounds Maintenance

I've just been out with a team of people delivering leaflets around Wesham Hall Road and I am shocked at the condition of the grounds maintenance there. I think something urgently needs doing and I will be calling in to see the Parks Manager next week to discuss. The beds are over grown and there is litter everywhere. I've taken some pictures which I will be e-mailing out to the Parks Manager before I visit. I really do feel that the Open Spaces Contract has been mis managed here and questions needs asking.

It has already cost Wesham residents more money that it should due to sloppy tendering and specifications requirements and required me to argue a reduction based on land that the Borough owns being taken out of the figures. But I was expecting a better level of management of the contract. Maybe it's a case of out of site out of mind. Rest assured I'll be taken firm action.



Thursday, March 27, 2008


Sad to say but the ugly side of Party-politics has reared its head in Fylde. The attempts by the opposition to ‘smear’ me have led to suggestions that I am so kind of porn baron with hard core images on my Facebook profile. I’m not and there aren’t. Facebook is an ‘open’ programme that allows people (anyone) to post articles, comments and, yes, images, on your own personal profile. Somebody thought it would be amusing to post images of an inappropriate nature on my page. As soon as I was made aware of this, I removed them. However, I shall stick with Facebook as many people use that as their preferred way to contact me. I shall, once again, stress that I will not be throwing mud back at my opponents. I am happy to fight elections on my record, it seems they are not too confident about their own.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Operation Clean Sweep

They say the best form of flattery is imitation, well it certainly is in Wesham. No sooner do I mention something on this site or in my newsletter then we have others saying 'we've been talking about it for ages and were going to do it all along any way'.

We I just don't believe it. Operation Clean Sweep was talked about on this site on 14th March, yet this very day, nearly two weeks later, an opponent suddenly remembers that he's been doing it already and posts something of a similar nature.

I'm all for working together for the benefit of the Town, but what I am not for is others jumping on already moving ideas and then passing them off as their own. It's not good and it's cheap opportunistic politics. You know when the independents are in town at Wesham, you can see all the Bandwagon parked in the car park!

We'll just see this evening at the Town Council what comes up, you can rest assured the plans will not be anywhere as advanced as claimed!


Simon 682582

Friday, March 21, 2008

War Memorial

Is it time to clean and restore Wesham's tribute to the Fallen? I have brought this up at Town Council before but was out voted! I think it is time we invested in the Memorial before it's too late. I've asked for it to go on the next Town Council Agenda. We need to get a quote and then maybe precept for the restoration. This may cost 30p a month for one year, would you be willing to pay towards it?

Back alley action

I have today e-mailed the Town Hall to get the back alley of Thompson Street and Railway Terrace cleared up.

As you can see by the picture some rubbish has been fly tipped.


Simon 682582

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Action in Wesham

As you can see another street sign has been replaced in Wesham, after its condition was pointed out to the council by me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Pavement Video

Friday, March 14, 2008

Operation Clean Sweep

I've asked for the Town Council to discuss doing an operation Clean Sweep again this year. Last year we had a fantastic response and cleared away much rubbish and it was also a great community occasion.

I feel that doing another one will certainly make Wesham sparkle again, especially after the new pavements have been finished.



Side and back alleys

The side and back alleys of Porter Street East have been cleared away following my request to get them sorted to Fylde Borough Council.

Any other hot spots that need sorting, just let me know please.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Offer of help turned down

Apparently my offer to paint and refurbish the Market Street Pagoda is not wanted. The Chairman of the Civic Pride Trust rather sharply told me 'it's in hand' is this like the 'it's in hand' of last year and the year before, or is it a 'it's in hand' now someone is showing interest in it? I feel that the only reason it is now being looked at is I've asked about it, and if I had not, it'd have spent another year deteriorating.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wesham's Own SPID

This is Wesham Town Councils new Speed Indicator Device. The Town Council bought it for the sole use in Wesham. I think this is great news and I am please to have been involved and in agreeing to spend some of Wesham's money on such an important device.

Market Street Pagoda

I've raised the condition of the Market Street Pagoda with the Chairman of the Civic Trust (what is in effect the old Wesham in Bloom Committee). I think it has been neglected and I am offering to paint and plant it up myself as it needs some work.

I'll let you know what he says.........

Resurfacing work.

You may have seen that at long last the county has got round to doing all the resurfacing work I've been asking for for the last year or so. It's looking much better now and is a precursor to some more work later in the year. As you can see from these two picture the work is looking good and is making Wesham's streets tidier and safer.

Rubbish reported down Porter Street

Following a text complaint from a member of the public I have asked that the rubbish down the side alleys of Porter Street gets removed. I am confident that the council will attend to this quickly.

If anywhere else needs tidying away, please let me know.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Police Visit

I got a call from the police last week, I must admit I did ask myself the question, what have I done now! I panicked even more when Helen Ford asked when can the Inspector come and see you!

However, it was about coming to talk to me with regards issues in Wesham. If you have any police matters that you want me to bring up with the Inspector then please e-mail me.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Kirkham Baths

My campaign to save Kirkham Baths has been successful and the Pool will now remain open. I managed to convince my fellow Conservative Councillors that the pool was an important community facility for the whole of Fylde and that Kirkham pool now become the pool where are Fylde children learn to swim.

I am proud that the Conservative stuck together, in the face of tough opposition who were hell bent on setting an illegal budget. We faced of these challenges and have secured not only a stable financial future for Fylde, but also a stable future for public swimming in the Fylde.


Simon. 682582