Rural Fylde Conservatives

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Litter Bins

I noticed on my Sunday Bike Ride through Wesham today that the litter bins on Station Road and Weeton Road are stuffed full and on the point of overflowing. I've asked the Council to sort them out and hopefully this should be done by tomorrow. I've also requested a new litter bin by the bus stop outside the train station.

If you need to contact me about anything, e-mail or call 681 983.

New Fylde Housing Secure Fence.

As you can see from this picture, New Fylde Housing has responded to my request to secure this fence. The repair looks sturdy enough, if not just a little to rustic! But well done New Fylde Housing for listening to the community.

Letter to Fox's

I have today sent a fax to Fox's Biscuits asking for the, to remove the litter in the boundaries of their factory. I do understand that in all likelyhood it's litter that has blown in from the streets, but it's no good getting the Council to clean the streets and there still being a mess behind a fence. I'll report their response.

Another Grot Spot Blasted clean.

As you can see from this before and after picture, another of Wesham's grot spot has been balsted clean away! I'm still waiting for Action on the Knightsbridge Close bridge to the Kingfisher. I'll carry on with the pressure on that by speaking directly to the cabinet member responsible. Also, I noticed on my bike ride today that the Market Street Car Park is cleaner after finanly getting New Fylde Housing to clean it up.

If you have a grot spot to report, get in touch and we can get them blasted clean away.

See the difference a lick of paint can make.


As I've mentioned before I got the council to paint the boarded up windows of the Bungalow in the council office ground on Derby Road. As you can see this has improved it's apperance.



Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hits to date


Just to report that the hits to date are 1,300. I think that is great news that the website has been view 1,300 times.



The Battle for Fyldeshire

This website that's causing so much attention in the press has recently been updated, invluding a footnote that makes apologies to some people who have been blamed for writing it, like me.

I would encourage people to have a look a read through.



Friday, February 23, 2007

Old Hospital Car Park

Following a comment I've been incontact with the North Lancs PCT about their car park lights. The are on until 23:00 while the staff have gone home by 18:00. It seems a waste of energy to be on until that time. I've asked them to review this arrangement.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sunday Cycle Surgery


Please don't forget I'm cycling round Wesham on Sunday, if you'd like me to pop in and say hello, just contact me and I will.




Parish Plan

Wesham Town Council, at it's meeting took another step forward. We've agreed to the development of a parish plan. I am helping to put the bid togther this weekend to get funding froma Charity to build the plan up.

The Parish Plan, will be a massive consultation exercise with all people in the Town, imcluding public meetings. Other Town and Parish Councils in Fylde and Lancashire have already done this and have used them as a spring board for greater funding and changes to issue that affect the area.

I am really please that we are going down this route as it will be of real benefit for the Town. I will of course keep you all updated via this web page.



681 983

Letter from the Leader of the Council


This is a letter the Leader of the Council has submitted to the press, since they are unlikely publish it in it's entirety, I thoughts it was worth putting on my web site.



Dear Editor

New Political group in Fylde - Fylde Independent Party

Internal feuding and a bitter power struggle has led to the demise of two long standing political parties in Fylde's Town Hall. The Independent and Ratepayer Groups have been forced to reform under a single banner after 7 Independent Councillors distanced themselves from their Parties 'Non Co-operation policy' within the Town Hall. An internal struggle for the Leadership of the Ratepayer Group has also seen a meltdown of the long standing organisation. The newly constituted group, to be led by Opposition Leader Paul Hayhurst has pledged that it if elected it will scrap the Cabinet system brought in under the Conservatives in 2005 and return the Council to the former committee structure, even though just 5% of Councils in England still operate what is considered to be a cumbersome and outdated method of delivering local services.

Leader of Fylde Conservatives Group John Coombes said 'many residents are not aware of the fact that almost 50% of the Independent Group have resigned since 2003 due to their unease at it's negative stance and in particular the behaviour of it's Leader Cllr Hayhurst. The new Fylde Independent Party has just two goals one, to oppose Conservatives and two to un-ravel four years of progress. Residents need to realise that there is no such thing as an Independent Candidate in Fylde'

Cllr Roger Small Deputy Group Leader added 'This is a public interest issue that has gone unnoticed by the press, when former Deputy Independent Group Leader Cllr Mullholland jumped ship we realised that the Independent cause was in crisis. This is an important issue on the build up to Local Elections and Fylde's residents need to understand fully the implications that such a negative political policy will have on the Council's continued improvement'

In the aftermath of the 2003 Comprehensive Performance Inspection Fylde Council was branded a 'weak council with uncertain prospects for the future' . Many of the official reports criticisms were levelled at the former Independent led Council and cited, lack of Political Leadership, poor committee structures, internal feuding and hostility towards Council Officers, the reluctance of members to take difficult decisions, the list goes on.

Cllr Coombes added 'Fylde is now seen as an innovative, forward looking Council, the Cabinet system does need time to bed in but surely 95% of the Councils in England can't be wrong? it would be a tragedy to see the Councils strong progress wrecked by the Independent Party's single negative policy'


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Great News


Some brilliant news. Wesham Town Council has agreed to allow Fylde Boroughcouncil to take back the cleaning of the street when the current cleaner retires. This will see a significant improvement in the condition of our streets, up to the standard of Lytham, St Annes and Wrea Green. I'll keep you posted on developments, but the Borough will be filling in for the next three weeks while there is a current absence so we should see an improvement.


Simon. 681983

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Council Bungalow - Derby Road


Following comments about the areas of the council offices at Derby Road, I've had the boraded up windows of the Bungalow painted as they'd been covered in graffiti.




Another two grot spots blasted clean.


I've been told by the manager of the cleansing unit that the path and bridge from Knightsbridge Close and the Kigfisher and the path way at the side of Butterworth Close have been cleaned. I've not seen this myself so am takingit at face value that it's been done.

I can get most places cleaned up if I am aware of them, so let me know.



Dog wardens Part 2

I've got agreement that the dog wardens will be patrolling Wesham more vigorously in the next few weeks following my own sight of this problem and several complaints. I've also been asked to provide details of what effect the dog wardens have. Once I get the details from them, I'll post them on here.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Council Tax


I'm just aware that I may not have explained the council tax issue so well when I've mentioned it is only going up by 15 pence per week. I think it is commonly thought that all the money you pay goes to Fylde Council, as it's us who bill you. In Wesham there are four authorities that ask for money.

I'm not sure of the exact amounts this year, as they've not been set yet. However, most (about 80%) goes to the County. Only about 12% goes to the Borough and on a band D next year it will be £160.00 or £16.00 a month. The Town Council precepts about £6.50 and the remainder goes to Lancashire Police Authority.

I hope this helps and if you need any further information, please call on 681 983 or e-mail on

Dog Wardens

On my bike ride today, I noticed an increase in dog muck on the pavements. I find this totally unacceptable and want to see tough action taken on irresponsible dog owners. I have requested the dog warden to visit Wesham over the next few weeks with a view of educating and ultimately enforcing dog fouling.

Lamp posts

These discarded lamp posts have been there for as long as I can remember. I'm sorry I've not acted on this in the past, but trust me I will be doing now. I promise to get these sorted

Cleaner Community Centre

Following last weeks entry and a few phone calls, I can report back, and thanks to Mick Tucker, Geoff Dixon and the Fylde Borough Waste Collection services the condition of the recycling area at the Community Centre has been greatly improved.

Thanks everyone invloved. I'll keep the pressure on to get the other areas sorted. If you have a grot spot to blast clean, please let me know.


Simon 681 983

First Sunday Surgery


I did my first Sunday Bike Surgery today. I has one issue I was asked to go and look at. This concerned the Greenhill Avenue garages. I will be dealing with this in the next few days.

I also saw that the cleaning up I'd asked to be done at Knightsbridge Close and Butterworth Close had not been done! I will actively chase this up and demand action this week!

If you'd like me to pop in next week and see you, please get in touch.


Simon - 681983

Fylde Independents!

A new political party has formed in Fylde! The Fylde Independents, same old failure, just a brand new name. This group has formed from the Ratepayers and the fractured Independent Councillors on Fylde.

From 1987 these were the people that ran Fylde into the ground, but back then they just their old names and their old excuses. These were the people who had in their grasp the power to do what they wanted with the council, but still failed and let down the people of the Fylde. They now crow about issue that they never addressed while they could and to add insult to injury while the Conservatives are now addressing them.

I may be a little naive here, but is an Independent Party a contradiction? How can they be Independent and be in a party, surely that makes them reliant on others and subject to the whims of their group.

I firmly believe in nailing my colours to the mast. I am a Conservative, but more than that I work hard to achieve real action in Wesham and to drive Fylde forward into becoming the council that delivers the best services at the lowest prices to you.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Train Picture


Just came across this site, click on a link to see a steam train at Kirkham and Wesham Station.

John Coombes, Leader of the Council's Website


If you'd like to read the thoughts of John Coombes, leader of the council, his website address is;

It's worth reading as it gives a fuller picture of the Council as a whole and a St. Annes Councillor's prospective.



Friday, February 16, 2007

People Power does work!

It appears that following a high profile campaign by the residents of Fylde, especially those in Lytham, and the support of the Conservative Cabinet, the Lytham County Information Centre has been given a 12 month Life Line.

Although this is based in Lytham, Lytham is in the Fylde and it does provide a service to us all. I think the good news here, is that the County does sometimes listen. It was a Labour Councillor that originally decided to shut it, and it was people and Conservative power that help him change his mind.

If the County can change their minds on this, that has budget implications, then it can change it's mind on our weight limit, that has no budgetary implications! I'll keep on fighting, and I need you all to as well.



Sunday Bike Surgery


This Sunday I'll be doing my first bike surgery. If you wish me to cycle round and see you with issues or concerns or whatever, just get in touch.


Simon. 681983

Petition against road charging


If you are against road charging you can sign this petition and register your opposition to it.




Thursday, February 15, 2007

A great budget for Fylde


Last night was the Fylde Borough council Budget Meeting of the Cabinet. In true Conservative fashion, I think we've delivered a great budget with stuff for all parts of the borough, that has bridged a budget gap of nearly £1m by finding efficiency savings that do not affect front line services and only putting up tax by 15p a week. Fylde still has the second lowest tax in Lancashire and is in the bottom 25% of Borough Tax Nationally.

We had a about £200,000 to spend and have managed to help all areas of the borough with this, ensurinruralla schemes get as much attention as Lytham St Annes. Kirkham does very well, especially the £50,000 to help traders with a shop fund scheme.

We're putting £25,000 into the community projects fund which with funding from the LSP and match funding from applicants will see £100,000 next year spent on Community Projects across the Fylde.

We've agrees to £15,000 to be spent on Youth Facilities and £22,000 on CCTV cameras and equipment. We're helping Warton Parish Council to refurbish it's sports centre and we're provide park equipment and fencing in Newton.

On top of the £200,000 Kirkham is getting for the Memorial Park and War Memorial, it's also getting £20,000 to sort out some play ground fencing that it needs.

Although Wesham did not put any bids in I'm confident about getting the car park behind the Post Office and with the developments we're due to get some monies for play equipment and youth facilities.

We've also put £8,500 into tree planting across the borough, any potential Wesham Sites, let me know, and we're spending £8,000 to protect St Annes beach (the reason tourist come to the Fylde) from the on set of Spartina Grass.

On the same note, following the fatality on the beach a few years ago, we've had to implement certain safety schemes to makeusableach useable again for all the activities. So we are putting £21,000 so power kiting, surf kiting and other wind / sea / beach activities can come back to the Fylde, Incidentally, St Annes beach is thein the beach in the country for those kind of sports.

I am really proud of this budget, it been hard worked we had a gap of £851,000 and had to find that money without ureserves our resevers and we could only put up tax by 5%. The gap was caused by many issues, not least the Governments con trick on free bus travel. They gave us £480,000 for a scheme that's costing over £730,000 and guess who's picking up the bill, you!

We are having to go through a process where people get paid in the council the same for the sparticularlyis particulalry benefits female workers and is fair and is the right thing to do.

These two issues and with things like higher pensions contribution (Necessary due to Gordon Brown's depressiomarkete stock martket by taking £25 billion pounds a year out of people's pension funds) left the council with £841,000 to find. We found that and we've also found the where with all to increase spending in areas that the public have told us are priority areas.

If you don't think we've done well, or if you share my view that this is the best budget for Fylde for ages or if you need mpleaseformation, pelase get in touch.


Simon 681 983

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Waste Paper Recycle Bin.


Due to vandalism and fire starting the Community Centre waste paper recycling bin is being removed. Householders can still recycle paper through the blue bag scheme and traders through the trade waste scheme.

If you need new blue bags, please get in touch and I'll arrange for one to be dropped off.


Simon. 681983

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Another hammer blow from Labour at County Hall

The Labour Group at County Hall (support from our own Independent County Councllor as yet undetermined) has announced cuts of £280,000 in this years Youth and Community Services budget. I just wonder what they actually do with the 80% of our counil tax that they take. They fail to keep residents safe by refusing to listen to arguments about the bridge weight limit, they close down Warton Library, they are thinking of closing Lytham's County Information Centre and now they are letting down our young people by pulling financial carpets away from them.

The sooner Lancashire becomes a Conservative Authority and the benefits that we are seeing at the Town Hall at Fylde since it became Conservative happen at County Hall, the better.

Monday, February 12, 2007

A new car park for Wesham?

I have today written to Councillor Tim Ashton, Cabinet Member for Street Scene to ask him to approve the budget from existing resources to build a small car park in Wesham. As I've mentioned before there is a small plot of land behind the post office that is owned by the council and would make an ideal car park for 4 or 5 cars. There would be an enforced time limit on the car park so it'll be used by people just to use the shops. This will help the shops with passing business and will also help with the congestion problems around Catherine Street and Albert Street.

I am under the impression that Tim is minded to approve this, it's just the technical side that we need to square. I'll keep you all informed.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The best site I've seen in ages!


Please follow this link. I've no idea who has created this site, but it has made me laugh and is aptportrayal of the Fylde political set up.. Well worth adding to your favourite's list. I'm particularly impressed with being linked to Orlando Bloom.

Happy reading.



CCTV camera's and such

The cabinet of Fylde council met informally tonight to consider the forth coming budget of the council. Although nothing is cast in stone and the cabinets recommendations have to be passed by the Conservative Group, the cabinet formally and the Council on 1st March. I can let you have a sneak preview.

Out of the small amount of capital spend we have this year the cabinet is recommending the purchase of 3 new CCTV cameras and upto 6 poles (the cameras can be moved easily to hot spots but only where a pole is).

At my request at least one pole and one camera id earmarked for Wesham. That is a clear investment by the Conservatives in Wesham's community safety.

We are also recommending a budget of £15,000 for youth facilities. I will be doing all I can to see some of that money spent in Wesham.

And finally, we also agreed on one of our manifesto pledges. We usually set ten and last election we set ten and have completed 9 and the tenth is being considered for delivery next year. Anyway, the first pledge is to purchase for use by the council of some Speed Indicator Devices, like the one I got on Weeton Road for two weeks.

Fantastic Feast in the Fylde


You may not have seen this scheme before, so I'll just mention it. Some of Fylde's top eating venues have put together a 3 course menu of local ingredients starting at just £10.00.

Following this link to get more information.

I think this is excellent value for money and is an ideal showcase for Fyldes fresh produce. I am proud that the council supports this event every year, which ends on the 28th Feb. A committment is to build on the scheme in future years.

ID Cards “won’t work and will waste your money”

Hello, I've putting this article in my next news letter, but thought I'd publish it here as well. Let me have you views on this issue please. or 681 983

ID Cards “won’t work and will waste your money”

Government plans to fingerprint every citizen in Wesham - and charge you for the privilege - have been slammed by Conservatives in a new campaign against Identity Cards. David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader, has pledged to scrap the £20 billion scheme.

Under the Labour Government’s plans for ID cards, every citizen will be fingerprinted and interviewed, and forced to travel at their own expense to a regional centre. The nearest centre to Wesham is in Liverpool or Manchester. Each person will have to pay at least £93 for a combined ID card and passport package. If the card is lost or stolen, the replacement fee will be at least £30. If you get married and change your name, you will have to pay for a new card as well.

Wesham Councillor, Simon Renwick remarked: “ID cards are a bad idea. They will do nothing to improve the safety of our citizens. They are not the answer to the threat of terrorism, to benefit fraud, illegal immigration, human trafficking or to identity theft. They are a waste of money, and a Conservative Government will abolish them.”

Simon added: “The Labour Government’s plans are to make ID Cards compulsory for everyone, and force people to pay to be fingerprinted by the State. Instead of these intrusive, expensive and ineffective ID Cards, the money should be spent on more worthwhile projects to cut crime - such as a dedicated UK Border Police, more prison spaces and increasing the number of residential drug rehabilitation places.”

Let me have your thoughts on this issue, are ID card what want or not? E-mail at or call on 681 983

More grot spots in line for blasting


I've just come back from a bike ride round Wesham and have identified another three grot spots to blast clean. The recycling area outside the community centre, the bridge and path way from the Kingfisher to Knightsbridge Close and path way at the end of Derby Road that leads across the fields to Kirkham. I've reported them and hopefully they'll be cleaned up early this week.

On a slight different front, now the weather is getting (slightly) better, I'm intending to cycle round Wesham every weekend. If you see me about and want to have a chat then just stop me, or if you'd like me to come round so you can show me areas of concern of what ever, just e-mail or ring and I'll come out and see you. or 681983



Friday, February 09, 2007

Parish Tax????


I'd like some guidance from the people of Wesham on this subject. For 50 pence per month per household, Wesham Town Council could raise an additional £5,000 to spend locally on improvements to Wesham, so for inastance we could spend an extra £1000 on hanging baskets, £2,500 on enhancing the War Memorial or what ever is needed and deemed a priority.

So the question is, would you be prepared to pay an extra 50 pence per month on your council tax to be spent locally on issues that were decided locally.

Thank you.

Community Safety on Order

The barrier for Windmill View is now on order. I'll let you know when it's installed.

If you think your street or area in Wesham could do with a bit of community safety innovation, please get in touch with me.

Regards, Simon.

681 983

Bad Weather

In light of the bad weather and hard frosts I am writing to County Hall to makes sure the correct roads of Wesham are appropriately covered in grit. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Open Space on Mowbreck Lane


After a few weeks of asking, Miller Homes has cut the grass and tidied up the open space on Mowbreck Lane. Thank you Miller Homes.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

They are still at it.

Kirkham troublemakers are still at it, they are still saying parking charges are going on Mill Street Car Park, when they are not. What part of 'no, never' don't these people understand. It's pure election mischief. And as for their other claim in the paper about the Council's lack of support for Kirkham Traders, I'd look a bit closer to home. They've quoted as saying the decline has been going on for years. But up until 2003 Kirkham's Councillors ran the council and what did they do then, nothing! It's a bit rich when Kirkham has had more spent on it in terms of cash and resources since the Conservatives took control, than before. Just look at the shop fronts on the Health Shop and Iron Mongers. That happened with the help of the council and Conservative Control.

When people speak of all the money spent in St.Annes, that all happened when Kirkham Councillors were in charge. So who looks after Kirkham, their own councillors or Conservative Councillors.

I'm sorry about going into a Kirkham story on this Wesham website, but the hypocrisy gets me so cross.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What a load of rubbish! No more???

On Sunday I reported to you about the rubbish on the embankment at Eskham Close and Knightsbridge Close. I'm told this is now no more. I've also arrange for the bin men supervisors to check up on the bin men in Wesham to make sure they clear up after themselves. Let me know if this is not happening. I've also had the waste paper bin by the community centre emptied as it was over flowing.

So my efforts to get Wesham cleaned up are starting off well, but I still need to know the grot spots, where bins are needed and where I can help out. As always, e-mail or 681983.



The hit counter onthis web site show 1,007 views. I think this is fantastic and is proving the worth of a Wesham News Website. I'll continue to populate this if people continue to view it.

Thanks to everyone for visiting and for all the e-mails and messages of support including this one from yesterday "Thank you for the Wesham Watchdog and all your work for the community." from a lady.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bin Men Trouble.

I've had several reports of the bin min not cleaning up after themselves. I've reported this to the Manager of Street Scene and have asked he send out some one to check up on them and report back to me. Please let me know if the situation does not improve.




Have a Drink on the Conservatives.

The Cabinet at Fylde are discussing a scheme that could see Wesham's council tax levels drop. The scheme know as equitable taxation should see Wesham residents pay about £15.00 a year less on their council tax.

In a nut shell what this scheme does is stop Wesham and other smaller rural areas paying for the greater quantity of facilities in Lytham and St Annes and transfers that cost onto the people who use those facilities. So instead of the Borough setting a higher council tax level, it will set a much lower level and ask each parish or town to set a local precept for the services and facilities that are locally available. This will see Wesham paying about £15.00 a year less (6 pints or 2 bottles of wine). Whereas the people who live in Lytham and St Annes will pay about £6.50 more. It makes it fairer for all as local people pay for local stuff and not for stuff they may never use or go to.

It also has an added bonus that it devolves responsibility to parish and town councils to raise and spend the money they need to unsertake local services as directed by local people. It's a great scheme for Wesham as you'll be paying less and you'll be able to set local priorities through the Town Council and see where the money comes from and how it is spent.

Let me know what you think or f you need any further information on this issue. I do hope that the council backs this scheme at budget time.

As always or 681983.

Clean up request

While out leafletting in Wesham yesterday I took these pictures (although not that good quality) of the Embankment of the By Pass at Eskham Close. You may be able to spot the accumulated rubbish? While taking the pictures a gentleman came out and said he had complained to the borough council last year 4 times and nothing had been done.

I am absolutely appalled that the council had ignored these requests from a member of the public that they serve! It's this kind of reaction that gives local councils a bad reputation. However, for me to do anything about it I need to know. In this instance I will get the rubbish removed this week and I'll also be asking for a clarification on why this has not been done when a member of the public complained.

But, I need to know if your area needs cleaning and I also need to know if you've talked to the council and got a poor response.

I also appreciate that last year while we were setting up the contact centers in Kirkham and St Annes that things took a little to get going, but now there is no excuses for that kind of treatment. If you complain or comment to the Council, it needs to be dealt with. 83% of all calls to 01253 658 658 get answered first time, which is over the target set. So there should be little problem getting through.

However, if you can't get through, ring me on 681983 of e-mail me at and I'll sort your issue out.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Sport for soldiers Children

Today I've been involved in responding to a request from the Families Officer for the regiment and Weeton Barracks. The troops are out in the battlefield, leaving their loved ones behind and as a gesture of support Fylde Council are putting on some Multi Sport session throughout half term.

I'm proud to be involved in supporting our soldiers families, and after having lived on Weeton Camp myself I know what it's like being a child of a soldier when your father is away for weeks and months.

Regardless of the reason for the War (that was taken by politicians) it is the duty of us all to support those and their families who have to carry out the task. These sport sessions, at a time of conflict, are the least we can do at the Council.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Les Dawson

The council is working with a company to raise funds and provide a statue of Les Dawson to be sited in the Lytham St Annes area. As cabinet member for Tourism and Culture I am fully involved in this project and am looking forward to the launch.

This will see the spot light on the Fylde as a tourist destination and a lot of celebrity attention during the fund raising period. I think this is good news for the Fylde and it is right to remember a national treasure as Les Dawson in this way.

Although too young to fully appreciate Les's comedy talent at the time, seeing clips and repeats at the present time do make me laugh and understand the genius of the comic. I hope this project gets the widest support possible.

A Bench and a Road sign

I've been told that another wayside bench will be given to the Town Council shorlty after I've requested another one. I think this bring the total of benches I've had provided to around 5. More can be provided but we need sites for them, if you can think of an area that needs a bench get in touch

Also, the Market Street sign should be up shortly. If your road sign needs replacing, just let me know.

As alway, concerns, questions and comments to

Wesham Bowling Club


Please find a link to Wesham Bowling Club. The club would like more members. The contact details are on the link along with current fees.

