Rural Fylde Conservatives

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kirkham Baths


Did you know these two facts about Kirkham Baths?

1 Kirkham Baths is now a Swimming academy that has a regional reputation for training life guards. If you or if you know anyone who would like to training as a life guard contact the council. The academy is situated in the old Bath House.

2 Fylde Council in partnership with others are offering free swims at Kirkham and St Annes pools to all primary school children who have not yet met level 2.

These are both great commitments into the future of swimming in the Fylde and show tow more ways in which the council is trying to improve the level of swimming and fitness in the Fylde.

At St Annes pool (which is being re-roofed after storm damage and therefore closed) there are Spinning Classes and Pilates Classes at St. Annes pool. A further investment. I bet you don't see the councils critics shouting about these in the papers!

Conservatives Manifesto Pledges


The papers are this week running with the story that the Conservatives have not fulfilled all of our manifesto pledges, this has been fuelled by the Liberal Democrats (all two of them on Fylde council!).

At an informal cabinet meeting on Monday we reviewed our manifesto pledges and are confident that we've delivered on all of them bar one and that's being looked at on Monday for implimentation in the next few weeks.

This being a leisure pass scheme, where residents have access to council and other services at a discount (starting with the leisure services, so discounted swims and mini golf etc, but will ultimately be parking charges (Lytham and St Annes only as Kirkham will remain free)). The reason for the delay is the investigation we've conducted previuosly and over the last 12 months over the future management of the councils leisure facilities.

We've come to a considered opinion about these and can therefore pursue this scheme with vigor. Once it's been finanlised and the report accepted for implementation by myself, we'll get going with it. I'll post more details in time.

The next issue the Liberal Democrat's are having a rather silly go at us for is; cabinet members having a free car park pass for any council car park, while on council business. I can honestly say that I've not got one of these passes (although entitled to) and most other cabinet memebrs don't. At the meeting I think we counted up the number of times they've been used by those who have them and it comes to 7 times in 12 months.

There are two points to make here; firstly what's the problem, cabinet members have council business throughout the the borough, surely being able to park is essential and secondly every councillor (including both Liberal Democrats) have the facility to park in any car park inthe country on council business and reclaim the expense. Hardly a perk that exclusive or worth a million!

As usual, comments, questions or concerns to



Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mill Street Car Park - Ugly Rumour


The cabinet had an informal meeting last night where I brought up Mill Street Car Park. This whole rumour has been stirred up by politically motivated people. The review they are using as the basis of this nonsense is a review instigated by a St Annes Councillor on parking attendants keenness in Lytham and St Annes.

You have to ask yourselves if they mislead about this what else will they mislead over to get votes? Expect a story instigated by these people about Kirkham Baths shutting. It's not, I'm not supporting that, the Cabinet not supporting that and nor are the Conservatives supporting that!

Anyway, this has highlighted to people the continuing strength of the people of Kirkham and Wesham to stick up for their own area, and I am grateful to the gentleman who is gathering public support to back the cabinet in not putting on fees.

An important message here is that only the Conservatives have the strength of purpose to actually get things done or changed. For 12 years independent Councillors controlled the council and that had lead to the under investment, under achievement, divided and stale nature of the borough we inherited and was judged by government inspectors as weak.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be highlighting the success of the Conservatives at Fylde for the benefit of Wesham, Kirkham and the Fylde. There are too many for one entry.

As always, e-mail with comments, concerns and questions to or ring 01772 681 983.



Wesham clean up.

Good morning,

Following some requests over the weekend, I've had the Wesham Hall Road and Mowbreck Court area's of Wesham have been cleaned up by the Council. Let me know if your area needs a tidy up.

As usual, e-mail



Saturday, January 27, 2007

A story of Two Britain's?

I've linked to this site before, but reading the latest entry about the Jade Goody saga is particularly apt and worth reading, especially the contrast made with the Royal Marines, I thought.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Trading Standards


You may have guessed that I've developed a bee in my bonnet about Trading Standards recently! However, it's with good cause. Trading Standards can make such a difference to our lives that I think it's important to shout about and promote.

I've found this on the Lancashire County Council website. It's a great way of helping LCC set its trading stabdard priorities. If you wish you can click on it and complete the form.



Never give up hope!


Another bit of success, after nearly 12 months or more of asking, agreement has finally been made to put a railing between the car park and the pavement at the end of the passage way from Derby Road in to Windmill Close. This came about as young people would cycle down the passageway and not stop as they went into the car park, scratching and bashing cars.

I'm hoping these railing will cut this problem out and hopeful they shoul dbe installed within the next few weeks. Please e-mail me if you need any further details at



Environmental Crime

A shift in Council policy I'm hoping to pursue is to change the name of our dog wardens and environmental enforcement officers to Environmental Crime Officers. This change, coupled with extra resources and an extra employee or two will send out the message that, dropping litter, fly tipping, fly posting and dog fouling is a crime that won't be tolerated. For too long this and other councils have been sending out the wrong message and until we get tough by fining and prosecuting people, it will continue to happen.

We all hate seeing dirty streets, or stepping over dog dirt, but nothing happens by its self, someone is responsible and someone must be made to be accountable for their anti social and illegal actions. Litter bins and dog bins are provided, waste handling sites are available to use and advertising space can be purchased elsewhere.

I'm ready to back tough action, are you? I'm soon going to be announcing my 4 point plan to get Wesham and the Fylde cleaned up. I'm sick of seeing back alleys messy and side streets clogged with litter, are you? Even when people use the litter bins they are rarely emptied, how long has that broken umbrella been sticking out of the bin on Meadow Park?

Standing water drains that resemble litter bins, what's the County Council doing to sort this problem out. I tell them about blocked gullys and eventually the clean them, but their policy's are not right as the should not be getting blocked in the first place.

Fly tipping down back alleys, it must come from some one. Lets get an Environmental Crime Officer to investigate, get some one fined and then made public that we're not tolerating this anymore in Wesham and the Fylde. Currently when fly tipping is reported to me, I can get removed in a day or so, but no further action. Well not anymore!

The bin men, I've heard stories about how they let litter slip out when emptying. I get the Inspection van to follow and it improves for a few days, but surely they're paid to put the rubbish in the rubbish van and not on the streets. Again a change in policy is needed and I also need to know when it happens. Can you let me know if it happens when your bin is emptied?

If you feel like me that the line in the sand needs drawing and we are saying enough is enough then, please let me know. I need your support to push this through and get the resources to make Wesham and the Fylde cleaner for all.

e-mail me at or ring on 01772 681983



Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sorry for no updates!

I'm sorry I've not updated the site since the weekend. Monday night was Full Council where I spoke about the Every Child Matters agenda, highlighting that Fylde is again a head of the game amongst district councils with implementing this as priority to make sure that every child matters in the borough.

On Tuesday, after finishing work I drove to Coventry where I've spent the last two day conduct and audit with two others into the Trading Standard Department on the City Council. This has proved to be a valued experience in investigating another councils department and making sure that it was working well and providing a service to the people of Coventry. I also had the my opinion of Coventry smashed. It's not the concrete jungle I was lead to believe. It has many fine buildings, and a real sense of community. I have grown to like the city.

Dealing with Trading Standards for two days has lead me to understand the value that trading standard departments have on contributing to a better society. I will be contacting Lancashire County Councils trading standards department to see what there current priorities are and how these can be brought to effect in Wesham. I will also be asking them to attend a meeting of Fylde's Local Strategic Partnership as the work will contribute to the outcomes that have been set.

Talking about the County Council it is good to see that they have agreed to move the bus stop on the corner of Fleetwood Road and Mowbreck lane.

I believe that leaflets have / going out round Morland Avenue asking for residents support in getting New Fylde Housing to meet the Mayor, Councillor Dixon and myself to discuss a way forward over the open spaces. I'll keep you informed over this issue.

Following on from a residents comment the street lights on Wesham Hall Close have now been fixed. If your lights are out, drop me an e-mail and I'll get them sorted for you.

As always, comments, issues or questions to

Saturday, January 20, 2007

St Annes Pool


I've just found out St Annes pool has been closed again due to weather damage.

Kirkham is still open. I'll let you know when it changes.

Mill Street Car Park

It's back in the papers again that charges may be placed on Mill Street Car Park - well that's news to me and I should know being in the cabinet. I just think it's political stirring from someone who may have designs of a council seat in Kirkham. although this is not a strictly Wesham issue, I'd like to know Wesham's views on this. Please take part in the mini poll in this post and let me know what you think. I'll be guided by residents opinions on this issue.

The arguments in a nut shell are; Should fees be charged on the car park like in St Annes and Lytham to bring income into the council to help fund the services the council provides for all residents or will the charges be overbearing and drive trade away from Kirkham into out of town shops and / or push parking on to nearby streets taking away spaces for residents?

You can also let me know your thoughts be e-mailing me at

Swimming Pools

Both pools are now fully open.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Speeding Action - Weeton Road

I have been told the speed indicator device has been istalled on Weeton Road. I believe it will make a differnce and am keen to see the results. Any further issues, please get in contact.

Swimming Pools

Due to the bad weather both pools have had to be temporaily closed. This has something to do with sand getting in at St Annes and the air handling system at Kirkham. The decision was taken to keep staffa nd users safe and it is indeed right to do so. They will only be closed while there is the bad weather, so check before you go. You can check the current status by calling 01253 658 658.

More Action

Following of from my request for the Speed Indicator Devices being placed on Weeton Road, I've been told that it has or is very shortly been installed. The exact time will depend on the weather conditions. The police have also agreed to take enforcement action on speeding and on dangerous parking. So Wesham's Roads may become a little safer.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

750 Visits

The website has now had 750 unique visits. Which I think is brilliant, it seems only a few weeks ago that it was 500 and before that zero. I really do hope that this site becomes the residents of Wesham's preferred method of getting information and news about Wesham and the Fylde from.

As always comments, issues or views to

Cabinet Meeting

At last nights cabinet meeting of Fylde Borough Council, which according to the Liberal Democrat Leader went 'Very well' we yet again confirmed the council position not to lower the level of provision of swimming in the Fylde. This of course means that we are not looking at ways to improve and boost the provision.

I presented a report on Every Child Matters which has been accepted by the cabinet. I also spoke about Lancashire County Council turning it's back on Wesham and the Fylde with their decisions not to put the weight limit on the bridge in Wesham, closing down Warton Library and their plans to shut the County Information Centre in Lytham. The Cabinet support a resolution to condemn the closing of the centre and to demand an urgent meeting to protest about it.

Another issue that we spent time debating was fly tipping, dog fouling and general environmental vandalizm. Cllr Tim Ashton was tasked with bringing back a full report of these issue with some firm action to tackle them.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Car Park

I've had recently a few complaints about the parking situation around the Town Centre especially at the entrance of Billington Street and of Catherine Street. To help with this situation I'm talking to the Chief Executive of Fylde Borough Council about the possibility of building a small 3 or 4 space car park on some derelict land in Albert Street, opposite the Co-of. This will be limited to free short stay parking to help with trade and also to help with traffic congestion.

Another issue I'm actioning is to get the speed indicator device on Weeton Road to remind motorist's that it's a residential road and the speed limited is a maximum of 30 mph.

If you have any comments of these or other issues, please e-mail me at

Senior Citizens Christmas Party

I think everyone who went last night to the Senior Citizens Christmas Party will agree it was a great night. A great deal of volunteers helped out and a lot of work went in to organizing it. The children from both Schools sang brilliantl. It's great seeing a community event in action like that. I'm now looking forward to next years more than ever.

Monday, January 15, 2007

This Week

This week see the Fylde's Cabinet meeting, you can see the agenda if you go to Prior to this I have a meeting of the Fylde Physical Sports Alliance.

It's also the Wesham Senior Citizens Christmas Party at 6pm on Tuesday.

At 3pm on Friday it is the Official opening of the Grundy Art Exhibition in Blackpool where a great many of Fylde's art work is being displayed.

Today I have a meeting with reagrds to the Play Strategy, a Cabinet pre brief and a Conservative Group Meeting.

If you would like any further details on any of these e-mail me on

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Morland Avenue


This is Morland Avenue, as you can see it's not in the best of conditions. Due to the narrow raods and lack of parking the open spaces are not being kept green to say the least. These open spaces could be used to enhanced the area with flower beds or whatever is appropriate. However, New Fylde Housing, who own the land are refusing to talk to us. I've had long discussions about this with Geoff Dixon, the Mayor of Wesham, and we keep the pressure on. However, it seems to fall on deaf ears at NFH. Geoff and I are putting out a petition on Morland Avenue, we've wrote to the papers and we'll continue to keep the pressure on NEW FYLDE HOUSING until they at least meet with us and then until they sort something out that looks better than this .

If you area that something needs doing then, please e-mail me at and we'll work together to get some action and make life easier for all.

Street Lights

I've notices that a street light near where I live has been damaged by the wind. I've reported this to the County Council and it should get repaired. If any of the street lights near where you live or anywhere else in Wesham for that matter, don't work or have been damaged by the wind then get in touch at and I will get it sorted for you.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

More white line news.


I may have mis lead you previously, but it was a genuine mistake. I'm told that the white lines at the junction of Mowbreck Lane and Fleetwood Road have been done and nearly two weeks ago. So another triumph for road safety.

Have a good day,


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Gulley's - Market Street

Following a complaint or two I've requested that the gulley and drains down Market street get cleaned out. I'll report back when this happens. However, on the same note, if your drains and gulley's in your street are blocked, let me know and I'll get them sorted. e-mail

White Line Success

Some good news. After several attempts, the white lines I've requested on behalf of residents at the Junction of Wesham Hall Road and Derby Road have been painted. This will only add to road safety in the area. Other improvements to look for soon will be the railings on the edge of the car park in Windmill View opposite the passageway from Derby Road and re-painted white lines at the Junction on Fleetwood Road and Mowbreck Line.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lytham County Tourist Centre

Lancashire County Council are at it again. Not happy with closing Warton Library, refusing to put a limit on Wesham's bridge and in closing Derby Road with little notice. They've now decided to close down the County Information Centre in Lytham.

It just sems to me that the £1000 or there abouts we each give to Lancashire County Council is going into a blackhole somewhere, as all I can see in Fylde is a reduction in Services and an increase in cost. Can anyone suggest where the Labour Controlled County spends £1,000,000,000 a year? Not so much in Fylde I guess?

Senior Citizens Christmas Party

Hi, It's the Wesham Senior Citizens Christmas Party next Tuesday, 16th at the Community Centre. For more details e-mail me at

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Bus Stop?

I've had a couple of requests to see if the bus stop and shelter could be moved to outside St Josephs Church and School. I think this would be a good location and the shelter will supply some much need protection from the elements.

I would also like to look at the bus provision in Wesham. Let me know if you think there are more services need or to different locations.

You can e-mail me at

The Nerve of Lancashire County Council

I have received a letter from Lancashire County Councils Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, in response to our request to put a limit on the bridge in Wesham to limit HGV's for entering the Town. Councillor Martin is Labour and represents a seat in Burnley.

Cllr. Martin seems to not have understood the problems we face in Wesham and actually puts a cost on to a life of £1.5m. I believe it is priceless and can not believe that the County has such a figure in 'assessing local road safety'. I also can not believe that the limit is being turned down on cost ground. How much will a couple of road signs really cost????

However, what I found strangest about Councillor Martin's response in him blaming me and Mrs Thatcher for the limit being lifted and then not being re-instated. I found that bazaarr that a Prime Minister who left office 17 years ago and a boy who was 14 at the time.

If the limit was in Councillor Martin's gift when it was implemented recently, why is it now not in his gift?

I will reply to Councillor Martin's letter and let you know the outcome. I will, of course, continue to fight for Wesham safety. Both Schools and the Town Council support this. I will not give up on you like the Labour Party has.



Consumer Direct


Sorry, there have been no posts since Christmas, but we all need a break!

Yesterday I was in Wolverhampton with two senior trading standards officers of Wolverhampton Council. We are working together to conduct a review of the trading standards function of Coverntry City Council in a couple of weeks.

However, while I was there I learnt a lot about the modern trading standards approach and have been told about Consumer Direct. This is the first point of contact for all consumer issues, rogue traders, scams and the like. The number is 0845 04 05 06 or log on at

I hope you never need to ring them.

Bye for now,
